Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year - Welcome 2010
For this post, I want everyone to describe their first memory of New Years. What was the first New Year that you remember. My first one I was about 5 or 6 and my folks had people over. They had a '6 pack' of Pepsi and 2 tombstone pizzas for 7 people.. that was such a treat! What happened to things being simple? Why do we think that we need to be so over indulged? That little things like a couple of pizza's just isnt enough... ok, I will shut up. This is not ment to be a speech about economics!! Do any of you remember Christmas's when you were very young? I remember lots of things that most people dont.. dumb things - like the tree topper on my grandma's tree..her old ornaments that at the time I thought were SO ugly but now cherrish them dearly. SO - I am going to bed my dear friends!
May God the King of all bless you in the new year with all of the best!!!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Winter wonderland.....
Does this look like a baby??? me thinks he's a little boy now - but I am not admitting to anything!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Where o where have my readers all gone...
Is everyone ready for Christmas? I am.... NOT - SO SO SO NOT!
One thing I am ready for is this...

OOPS! Sorry - wrong picture! That is what the Milk Man is ready for.... me being 'ready to freshen' at any moment... for some reason he likes me barefoot and pregnant... ok, maybe not the barefoot..but defiantly the pregnant.
This is what I am ready for...
For it to be over!!
UGH... I am moving in with Mrs. Mom and the insanity crew... sis - hope you got a bed, heck I will settle for a recliner... maybe just a rug thrown on the floor.. It was warm today, if you call 13 degrees warm. SO - what is everyone doing for Christmas?
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving my friends!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Good Morning - Chicken sandwichs...
So here we go...
Homeschooling my kids is a great thing and I love it - but there is a draw back - singing all the songs that I did when I was a kid again and loving them. Is that wrong? This was always one of my favorites..
One of these things is not like the other, which one is different do you know, can you tell which thing is not like the other - I'll tell you if it so.... I love Sesame Street...
Your right - its the yellow pepper!! What do you mean the onion....oh - well your right! **turns 5 shades of red***
I slice these little hummers up very thin and they look like this.
Then I mix them up in a bowl just so they go into the pan as friends...
Usually I have a red, yellow and an orange one but the they were all out of orange ones. I do it for the color, there is no flavor difference as far as I can tell. However, I use only sweet onions like Vidallia's- THEY ROCK THE BEER GUT!! I don't have a beer gut,so I guess I am missing out.
The next photo is pornographic, Willow Witch - cover Coffee Mans eyes...thank you..
They are mutilated chicken titties.... sorry..
My turkey was giving me the evil eye the whole time I was cutting them...
Then he did this to me...and said something about Aaron Tippin's song Kiss This???? not sure about that..he was hard to understand ya know, with the gobbling and all.
So, the next step is to throw them all in a skillet and cook'em up. I make them in 'batches' because they don't all fit in there at once...
First get your pan warm, but not to hot because the chicken will stick... you MUST use butter or, well.. they are just not the same without it. I put on my cast iron skillet, I would sell my children before I gave this baby up... ok, not sell them but maybe rent them out, perhaps lease them to some circus - they would fit right in let me tell you... sorry, digression runs deep in my family - what Veggie Tale is that from??? hhhhhmmmmmmmm
SO, here is a picture of my skillet warming and melting the butter - delicious BUTTER... support your dairy farms....
and the butter melted...sorry, I milking this for all it is worth.. **Snort**
Then I add about a Tbls of this life saver...I don't have time to chop garlic for every meal. To many people to feed, to much luandry to do, to much schooling to do and to much of - well, I am lazy...
Then I let that brown a little bit, cuz it smells SOOOOOOOOOOOOO gooooooood.
Then I add the chicken meat and the pepper, onion mixture.
Let it brown a little, till the chicken is done and if it is sliced nice and thin - it doesn't take to long. I like mine to have a little color to it because I am freaky about my chicken being done well enough. BUT NOT DRY!!!
I make this in 'batch's' like I said - put however much will fit into your skillet at a time. I always put in more butter and more garlic at the beginning of each batch. If it will be a little bit before supper time, I throw it all into a warm crock pot. WORKS WONDERFULLY and helps to save on the rush of supper.
This doesn't look so good, cuz it was in the crock pot till late last night and had overcooked.. sorry... Do as I say and not as I do...Then I grab some great buns. At times I make some rosemary herb, or my own Cheddar bread ones, but these looked to good to pass up.
Then I toast them under the broiler just a couple of minutes, till they are like...toasty... I hate slimy bread, so that helps it be crisp..... do both sides...then fill them and add a bit of ranch dressing, salt and pepper to your taste. LOVE THESE. And let me tell you - men will kiss your toes to have one.
> THE END....
OH - one more thing... this is what you get when a 5 yr old brings you breakfast in bed... well, when he forces you to go back to bed at 8 am so he can bring you breakfast in bed....
As we all are well aware - anything pertaining to Lispy, needs a post of its own...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
I am loosing...not weight either.
We had snow on the 9th of October...sad huh.
I got a hair cut... this is before.
This is after... I got my layers back and the natural curl springs up like a pogo stick...NO there is no picture of the front, a haircut doesnt help your face any.. LOL
This is the Saur Kraut after it is 'crocked'. This is how it looks when I put it in the basement to cure. Yes - thats a rock.
SO - thats it for today. I am going to be starting Christams cooking/baking this week. The Milk Man said I wont get any loving, unless I post daily.... SO, I hope you guys like reading cuz you all know how much I like loving.. *snort* wait, you do know right.. do I have to exlpain it? Why are you all shaking your heads no? I mean who could resist this...
ok, the baby too...
Monday, November 2, 2009
Lispy's finger from the devil....
Lispy - Mamma..
Me - Yes Lispy..
Lispy - look at me mamma..
Me (not looking) what Lispy...
Lispy - Ma, is this finger from the devil...
Me (still not looking) No Lispy, God made all of your fingers, toes and the rest of your body.
Lispy - Ma! This finger here!!
Me (still not turning around) No - all of your body parts were made by God.
Lispy - MAMMA!!! YOOT AT ME...
At this point I turn around in disgust and find my little cherub flipping me the bird and shaking it at me like driver with road rage.
Lispy - SEE MAMMA - THIS FINGER!!! (again waving it in the air) I try to explain that the finger itself is made by Jesus, but that people have made that finger mean something naughty. He then proceeds to tell me it means.... Piss off.. From what I understand he saw it and whoever was doing it said to piss off. We were in a store from what he said, but I remember nothing about it. I carefully explain that he is NOT to use that finger no matter WHAT! Fast forward a couple of days... boys are outside playing and the baby is getting in Lispys' way - I happen to look out the window to see my little 5 year old angel flipping the baby the bird...I jump all over him about it and he looks at me in complete sincerity and says - Jesus made my finger and it doesn't mean anything naughty....
Friday, October 30, 2009
Hello from Busytown!
So much is going on - we are still farming but not sure in what direction we are going yet. This is such a long process... I wish it was just over one way or the other. However, in Gods time as He knows best. I had better get busy. I am truely sorry that I have not been a better friend/blogger/person etc. But, I am still appreciative of all of your love, prayers and support. THANKS FRIENDS!!!
Sue from the Farmers Wife - this is for you!!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Good Morning neighbors!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Obama and Mother Teresa have NOTHING in common.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
A Fresh can of worms.....
I only ask that you not be rude - I consider her my friend, even though we differ greatly on this subject. She is a good mother and has her children's best interests in mind also. However, I will not tell you what to say - you are all entitled to your opinions....
Monday, October 5, 2009
The last hurrah!!!
This is my favorite person on Earth..... What do you mean you would rather see cow titty's, naked kids? Your a bunch of sicko's... No wonder I love you!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Hello, my name is Heidi...
Thank you to those who have emailed me such loving letters. You have all made my life a much lighter and brighter place these last few weeks. Things have not changed, but we are coping better with it. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO - how are things in blog land? Can I still come back and you will all be my friends still??? **does best puppy dog eyes***
Here are a couple of pictures to tide you over...
and cottage cheese butt - with grass clippings.. what ya cant see is Lispy is in the buff - Dean and Amanda we are family arnt we? LOL
SO, I here by vow to do better at blogging. I just needed to get through some things before I could get back to being me and I am almost there thanks to all of you great people!!! Your prayers, thoughts and gifts have sustained my family so much more than you will ever know.
All our love - Heidi
p.s I will be back tommorow, I PROMISE!... dont look at me in that tone of voice....
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Peek -a- boo! I see you!
Just wanted to say THANK YOU to those who have mailed me, called me, sent gifts, sent love, prayed and for all of you who read here and keep comeing back!!! I LOVE YOU! Thank you for your words of encouragment, your thoughtful emails when I REALLY needed them and for just being my buds...
I dont have anything profound to say at this point, but things are progressing here - slowly. Not sure what is going to happen in the next couple of weeks, so I am preparing for just about everything that can happen... cuz it usually does.
The Milk Man and I took a little ride today and I will post on it tommorow - Suzanne at The Farmers Wife - its JUST FOR YOU!!! since I doubt that you are going to be coming to see me.... I have given up on that - cuz, I am afraid there is someone else in your life now and just cant handle the rejection anymore... **sniff sniff** I dont understand how you can go on a trip with your husband, instead of coming up here and seeing ME!!! ** fans self while biting bottom lip** anyway - you know I am pulling your leg!!! SO, this next post really is going to be for you. I have NOT forgotten the other posts and I promise they will be along shortly!
Guess who those are for???? sure aint no darn girlfriend! Thems for his Mamma!!! :) cuz I took good care of him he said.. I love boys... what a statement that is... could that be why I have so many kids, cuz I love one boy so dog gone much? Bet it has somthing to do with it!
Talk in the morning!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Always remember.....
Index View Print Entries Most Recent to Oldest Entries Most Recent to Oldest Entries Oldest to Most Recent Entries September 10, 2009
It has been 8 years since the tragedy.I did'nt realize John was on the first plane. I was told later by my best friend that he was gone! To this day he is missed by all of us that knew him. I wear my braclet that was given to me every year.I miss his laugh and hanging out at the places we used to visit. My thoughts and prayers are with him,his friends and family. He is truley missed.
~ Julie, Seal Beach, California September 11, 2008
I used to work at Homerun Pizza, in Lakewood Ca and got to know John and his daughter very well. I think of him every year and miss him dearly! I remember all the life lesson he taught me, and his great jokes!!
~ Sara, Lakewood, California September 11, 2008
My boyfriend, Ken Chandler knew John well and to this day, he still sheds tears and can't talk about it. He was greatly loved by him and he misses him still. He is now an angel watching over his family and friends. God bless you, John, and your family. T
~ Teri Heatley, Long Beach | Contact Me September 08, 2008
I don't know you but your name has always remained in my memory when it comes to September 11th. As a fellow Bellflower resident, your untimely loss has always hit me close to home although I never met you. May god be with you, and you will never be forgotten so long as I live.
~ Luis L., Bellflower, California June 06, 2007
In memory....
~ P Tabbernor, Victoria, British Columbia
This Man was killed on September 11, 2001 - I joined a site and of course forgot to link it, that was wanting people to write down a tribute to the fallen. This was all I could find about this man... Rest in Peace John and I hope that next year I can find more about you and make this a tribute worth writeing in your memory!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
What makes us stronger....
I want this to be his future and so does he. I know and belive that God opens windows or door with all my heart.. I also believe that everything is in His time for the betterment of His kingdom. I dont doubt any of that, it just seems unlikely that a childs heart breaking could fit in the picture He is painting for our lives. BUT, I dont claim to know the answer and am happy resting in the truth that He is our caretaker and loves us completly. Big Son is having a hard time with the fact that we wont be here farming next year. It heartbreaking to him that he 'wont be able to pick up where dad leaves off' - those are his words. Is it bred into a farm family the need for a mulitgenerational task? To pass on what your fathers before you have littlerly bleed for. I am not going to go into any more than that today. I am NOT going to be depressed over this, nope nope nope nope.... but I am going to grieve and be sad at the result of hopes dashed. I have often wondered if people who have money, by this I mean people who would not miss $500,000 - if they knew that they could make such a HUGE IMPACT on a family that works hard - if they would some how help those people. There are people who remodel or build 'summer homes or guest homes' for more than that and dont bat an eye at the cost. That amount would buy our farm and all the machinery that we need.... I am not jealous of these folks, nor would I EVER want to be rich. I just wish there were some way to show some of these folks how the food that they eat, comes from the sweat of my husband brow and causes the ache in his back....
I am not complaining, just putting my thoughts on 'paper'! :) My kraut post is near done, but the video I had wont load - so your getting still shots instead.. back later.
Monday, September 7, 2009
I am ALIVE!!!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Palmer and farm update....
The farm update is this - there has been no change in plans. Just trying to sort out the details and go from there. Prices took a dive again but cost's did'nt - hope I have my apostrophy in the right place Jennifer, I know how important they are. *snicker, giggle, snort*
Now for the 'homeschooling' - we are going to be doing what they call the Connections academy. I will be Big Sons learning coach, not his teacher. It's a virtual public school through a local school district so he will be having a teacher. The reasons we chose this vary for several reasons, one of which is that we have more say in what he is taught. He can have more free time, which a child with his energy level needs, no hour long bus ride one way and no overload of school work. The amount of time we are doing 'school' here at home is about the same amount of time that we did homework.... how is that even possible??? So, that is the jist of my nuttiness'ss' ss'sss LOL I have to say that I love this, because it brush's up my skills - except for spelling - and it is fun to watch him learn. We are also able to tailor it to his likes a bit more than a traditional school. He still has regular assignments, but we can do things within those to make it 'just for him'... Grammar is my favorite subject... **snort**
Anyway - thats things for the day. I have to try to freeze some homemade cream corn. Palmer is going to watch the kids for me this afternoon so I can post my kraut experience. Talk to you all soon - much love and adios, goodbye SO LONG SUCKA'S..... sorry, I was having an attack of some sort. None of you are suckers, that I know of at least - except coffeeman, he's not a sucker either really. He is more of a snicker - as in dooly. When I was little we called farts snickerdooly's.. LOL
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I heap hot coals on my head....
How is the world treating the rest of you? Its getting cool here, only in the 60's the last 4 days. My kind of weather.... be back soon!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Thank you! there will be a longer post just as soon as I figure out this frigin video BLEEP! Granny and Pam C... I didnt swear, did you see that?
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I am done...... in.....
LOVE YOU ALL and thank you for your support, prayers, gifts and love. There is no greater love than the compasion for others through Gods love and care. LOVE YOU GUYS....
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
A new day....
By walking through the damp morning grass, getting soaking wet from the waist down, carrying his precious treasure about 1/4 of a mile through thorns and brush, to bring her the best little treat in the world... cuz he has payed attention and knows they are her favorite....
Black Rasberries - better known here as black caps....
Monday, August 24, 2009
My nerves......
Palmer is doing well, he has little pain and that is a prayer answered. We are going to be going back to the dr sometime soon to have his skin graft looked at, but not sure what day that will be.
Now to the serious stuff......
On my blog I have always tried to remain at least upbeat and made an attempt at being funny, but right now I have some serious things that I need to ask of you all. With Palmers injury and many other things our income has went into the toilet. We dont have a savings, because in farming its always being used and replentished and used...right now, there is no way to replenish it. I have not been able to work this last week and for at least 3 more because its harvest time - I do ALL the milking and a major part of the barn chores because the MilkMan is so busy trying to keep the machinery going and helping me with the sick or newly fresh cattle. Not to mention fixing all the things that break, combineing Barley, Oats and cutting our hay. We have at least 3000 bales of alfalfa hay that needs to be gotten off of the field today, becaues rain is coming tommorow, we also have about 1200 bales of straw to get up for the same reason.....
So I come to you with a request for prayers for our family - to pray for our needs to be met, as they always are...but the Lord hears all our prayers and I am hoping that I can find some strength that is God given, cuz I am wearing out fast. I know I am not a spring chicken anymore,but I am tiring way faster than I should be. In my heart I know its because I worry about money - not for the love of it but only for our needs to be met. I know that they will be because God has promised those who believe that they shall be sustained.... I dont doubt that for a second, I guess what I am asking for is for you all to stand with me in prayer for my family. That you would pray for a windfall of some sort for us, that would not require death, further dismemberment or anything illegal... Its one of those times when EVERYTHING is needed.... kids need socks and underwear - baby needs diapers, I need lyposuction and a face lift... :) But, really its the bills needing to be paid that gets me the most. I dont like not having enough to pay bills -let alone buy the things that are 'needed'... Our income is based on so many things and we never make more than $15-18000 on a good year.. well this year has been worse than bad...LOL I dont like to cry on anyones shoulders cuz I know there are far worse off folks then me. I have healthy kids, a loving husband and my faith.... as a christian we are expected to lean on each other for support so I guess that is what I am asking for - support, not sympathy... dont feel sorry for me, just try to understand where I am coming from . SO - as I said before I would appreciate any prayers this way. You guys are great and I love each of you with all my heart. Thank you for praying for Palmer, I truely believe your prayers are the biggest reason for his steady increase of strength and decrease of pain.
I gotta go - hay is waiting and cows are calling. We are probably going to have a new calf before this evening. I am taking the camera with me for close ups... later dudes.
p.s. If you know anyone who has an extra $15,000 laying around... I know RIGHT where it can be put.... :) lyposuction is expensive...
p.p. s anyone want to come help me with canning, crocking and freezing my garden... I have a room for you to sleep and all the work you want..... thanks..... over and out...
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
There has been an accident....
Love you all..... even you the bus driver and the window licker... they know who they are... ***giggle - looks at Coffee Man and Willow Witch****
later dudes....
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Hello from - where am I?
A bit of news to share..... I have been dumped, outdone, replaced, washed up, set aside, put on the back burner, I have been.......... topped...... Schnitzel has replaced me...... my hopes now remain with The Trout, that he will continue to love me for my - well I dont know why, but just that he will - ok! Hope you 2 are having a great time!!! Big Son says go get em Trout! :) We have not gotten anything lately, because of the rain but we have hopes for the weekend. See ya later tonight.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
For Heaven sake....
Friday, August 7, 2009
So sorry!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Cherry juice.. do you make it?
The last few days have been damp and chilly here in the north. We have not had a hot summer, I dont mind that, but the cool weather doesnt make the corn grow or the oats and barley rippen. It was so damp, that I actually started a fire in the wood stove... My basement smells like, well wet basement - I HATE THAT!! so I ran the dehumidfier and the stoked up the stove to dry it helps so much. I better run, cherries dont cook themselves. I have 4 1/2 gallons of berries right now and the tree is only 1/2 picked, no I am not kidding..
And the public service announcement for the day is this - you MUST wear an aproved helmet when you are karate-judo-taikwondo-boxfigtkicking.. as Lispy is demonstraiting..
Friday, July 31, 2009
My Mornings...
Then there is beaver boy... yes, he said he was trying to be a beaver...
Do I have funny offspring or what... Big Son is SO not interested in being any type of animal. He wants to read about WWII and guns - I love my boys, as wierd as they are!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Happy Birthday Milk Dud......


oh - I cant bear this anymore.... so here are just a bunch of pictures.. *SOB*
See how dirty his tshirt is after his daddy held him..
The worlds bestest babysitter - is what we call this one....
LIke a baby bird waiting to eat..
and these.... are you getting bored yet... what a stroll down weight gain lane.. I mean memory, MEMORY lane....
How do they grow so fast.....
I will post the rest after his party tonight - your ALL invited!!!!