Mornin' everyone. I was running through my pictures this morning trying to think of what to post. SO - I found these from our trip to the nursing home. My sister in law works in the activities dept. of one of the local 'old folks home' and I was asked to make Rumagrot for the Syttende Mai celebration. So these are some picures of that day.. Lispy loved the old people and they loved him and Milk Dud... These ladies are making Sandbukkels... for you Norskies out there, please dont mind my spelling, its bad.

These are just ramdom things - but Lispy was helping one of the activity people plant flowers... it was chaos... really.

Last but not least an ole farmer sang to Milk Dud... his name is Arnie and I wanted to scoop him up and bring him home with me. I worked in nursing homes when I was younger and I LOVE OLD people... they have so much to offer and are so under appreciated. so here is Arnie singing....
He is the sweetest ole feller you could ever wat to meet. SO, I leave you with that and I want to say thanks for being my friends. later dudes....
Now how cute is that! Looks like the seniors really enjoyed your visit. A local Scandinavian grocery store just announced they may close. Mom and I made a run there to stock up on cans of fiskeballer etc. They had Rommegrot (sp?) packets but we passed on that. The photo looked green!
Your right the white haired crowd does have alot of wisdom to offer. Our oldest daughter worked at the old folks home(1/2 block form our home) before she married. She came home with fun stories all the time. So good of you to reach out and touch their lives.
You like OLD people huh , well that explains why you married the MilkMan , and why we get along so well rofl
NAH - I married the Milk Man for his $$.... *DOUBLE SNORT* really, it was his laugh...... and it helped that he is a TOTAL HOTTIE... LOL with or without chaps, or cloths. Take your pick.
I worked as a CNA in my late teens, the summer before I met my husband.
I've always just loved the elderly, especially my own grandmothers and great-grandmother, but as I was growing up we lived too far from them for regular visits. I have always valued the stories they told, the lessons they could teach, the knowledge they had.
Working at a retirement home was bittersweet. There were so many beautiful faces to greet me every day! And yet there were some with hollow stares, who never received a single visitor, and sadness seemed to surround them. The whole experience was definitely a lesson in humanity.
If I could do it all again, would I?
In a heartbeat.
you are so nice. I don't like nursing homes, or most old people ( no patience) but I do like mean snotty high school kids, except in May when I need a little break.
My first job was being a CNA in my early twenties and I fell in love.
I know exactly what your talkin about. What I can't get over is how big that little baby is getting. He is going to be walking soon. Are you pregnant yet?
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