First you need a gallon glass jar or a half gallon depending on the size of your family or how bad your cold is. I used a gallon jar because we have had such bad colds that this has been a 'good thing' - not to quote someone who totally doesn't need my help....
My mom came over last night and saw the 'jar', tested it and said 'Grandpa used to call this 'snakejuice'..... Come to find out my grandpa used to make this very thing and I never new it. SO from now on its going to be 'snakejuice'.....
Take your jar and make sure its good-n-clean and this is the rest of what you will need..
I know your first thought was the same as mine... Amish consume booze.....
My friend strolled right into the liquor part of the grocery store and snatched this off the shelf for me because, well - I am a liquor prude.... *hangs head* I admit it - a liquor virgin.. I have never tasted it and I have never tasted beer. Cant get the smell past my nose on the beer, it smells like your gonna lick a loaf of bread dough... yish
First you cut up 3-4 lemons - I had BIG ones and used 3. I then cut up 2 large onions into slices..
Then the onions.....
Then I layer them - first lemons then onions until I have about the same amounts...
Notice the Milk Man is wearing a DARE shirt... *snicker*
Here is the finished product....
Now for some other food....
I make a veggie salad that I am sure everyone does, but Milk Man said - Heidi tell them about - The Salad... that is what he calls it - The Salad.... *eye roll*
Its just a head of cauliflower, broccoli, 1 lb of bacon - I always use more cuz we like bacon - a pound of mozzarella cheese, onion and Parmesan...
I always fry mine crispy - that's how we like it....
Anyway - cut the broccoli, cauliflower into bite sized chunks. Crinkle up the crisp bacon, throw in the chopped onion and mozzarella cheese, lastly I put in the Parmesan....foot rot cheese as the boys say. It smells like a cows foot that is 'bad'... gross huh? I mix it together then I add my stand by 'sauce'....
My sauce is pretty easy, but I consider it mine - only because my mother in law gave it to me to use for my very own......
'salad dressing'.... like miracle whip, but I don't like miracle whip.... I use generic Aldi's stuff, cant afford the ritzy ditsy...
I start with a little salad dressing in a bowl and add some buttermilk - and about a 1/4 cup sugar then blend it to taste - a little more sugar, salad dressing or buttermilk till its a nice consistency.... like I don't know how to explain so I will show you a picture.

Here is what it looks like on the salad - I hope this helps with the consistency of it...

Well, I hope you like this - it really is good. The same day I made this we had beef roast, mashed spuds, glazed carrots, brownies for dessert and this. I also made sweet rolls and bread that day. I am in the kitchen most of the time and I do keep 'stuff' on hand if I cant get a big meal out.. I always have soup that they can grab, or home made sandwich spreads etc.... I buy little to none processed food. I do buy Aldi's cheap pizza's - they are ROCKIN good I think. I also buy tater tots for tater tot hotdish and the cheap pot pies for Big Son when he gets home from school famished to the point that his belly is rubbing a blister on his back bone..... I will post some more later about food - right now Milk Dud is on a great white titty hunt..... *tries to hide behind the desk out of site*
OH I almost forgot -here is a picture of the elusive Baking Ninja....

yes he has underwear on....only because I told him they wore underwear....he saw no need.
Here is what it looks like on the salad - I hope this helps with the consistency of it...
Well, I hope you like this - it really is good. The same day I made this we had beef roast, mashed spuds, glazed carrots, brownies for dessert and this. I also made sweet rolls and bread that day. I am in the kitchen most of the time and I do keep 'stuff' on hand if I cant get a big meal out.. I always have soup that they can grab, or home made sandwich spreads etc.... I buy little to none processed food. I do buy Aldi's cheap pizza's - they are ROCKIN good I think. I also buy tater tots for tater tot hotdish and the cheap pot pies for Big Son when he gets home from school famished to the point that his belly is rubbing a blister on his back bone..... I will post some more later about food - right now Milk Dud is on a great white titty hunt..... *tries to hide behind the desk out of site*
OH I almost forgot -here is a picture of the elusive Baking Ninja....
yes he has underwear on....only because I told him they wore underwear....he saw no need.
Both awesome recipes that are going to be in the file of NEEDED recipes!!!
Wow and thanks on both....
Now, Lipsy...he is just too cute for words...that made my day!
Yes I have seen this variation in before , it makes a very good cough syrup . And if you take wnough you will be able to speak Lispy much better lolol
Great white titty hunt! LOL
And I've had a version of 'The Salad.' It's definitely good. And deserves the eye roll, I'm afraid.
I've got to get ambitious and make that cough syrup.
Hey! We had that linoleum in our kitchen, only it wasn't clean/wouldn't come clean...Boy am I glad it's gone.
Good post! Made me laugh!
hot dish!!!!!!! I haven't heard that since I lived on YOUR side of the state!!! I had forgotten that! they call them casseroles over here. love the ninja baker, guess you maybe need some clean towels now?
Well send the little baking ninja on over. I would love some help in the kitchen! That dang kitchen fairy must have left? Ooo that cough syrup looks intersting. Onions? hmmmm neve would have seen tha comin? Love the salad Sounds good! Thanks I am gona go check out why i am not following you? Did you juke me?
Whats juking tw? I a have NO idea what that is!!!
Heidi--I am almost looking forward to my neck cough...tee hee
Love your ninja! Yes, they were underpants, lmao. That's so funny!!
Love both these recipes! I have to try that salad, absolutely a must. I love it when you post recipes :)
I'm off to the kitchen, you have inspired me!!
The only homemade cough syrup I'd heard about consisted of lemon juice, honey and whisky. Yours is much prettier ;) And by the way, that is our favorite salad you posted today--yum!
Cough syrup hmmmm? The broccoli recipe looks delicious? And your meals sounds so good. Can I come to your house for supper?
that cough syrup will be great I am looking forward to the next time I get sick. My mama used to mix just the honey over the onions. But yeah bring on the blackberry brandy and peppermint schnapps that stuff will knock out any cough! Actually alcohol works very well on bronchitis and bad coughs. I use a warmed up shot of Grand Marnier. It's pricey but it's no more than a prescription drug. I get to coughing really bad because I also have asthma. I am still waiitng for the mustard plaster!! You are blessed to know the Amish. with the way things re going we may all need to have some Amish friends to show us the old ways so we can live!
ps great white titty hunt-you stinkin cutie!
I am going to make up some snake juice to keep on hand! LOL he saw no need for underwear?! So funny.
ps are you sure that the onions and lemons aren't supposed to be taken out? you know strained?
for long term keeping. Can I borrow Lispy? He is so cute. umm and the salad, one of my favorites. Can I just come over? Don't I stinkin WISH!!!
Wow that is amazing, I had never heard of homemade cough syrup.
You are great!
Hey Heidi! Saw your comment at The Farmer's wife about cough syrup... that's some potent looking stuff! I make a version of your salad... and add golden raisins and sunflower seeds... Yummm! In the summer, I will add bow-tie pasta to stretch it for a potluck. And for the dressing... I use whatever I have... usually mayo because I don't like miracle whip. (Yuck) Your dinner menu sounds fabulous... I get on a kick like that once in awhile. (And I do shop at Aldi's to save money!)
~Suzanne @
I cant wait to make both... thank for sharing. I love Aldi's, makes the budget go so smoother, so I have extra to buy crazy cards for my FUN friends :)Yep, ya better start watching for that crazy mail lady you got! Lipsy needs his own show....
Is that cough syrup for cure or prevention??? I think y'all speak fluent Lispy already, LOL, so maybe you guys and gals should go easy on that cough syrup *snickers*. Like niece, like auntie. Give those boys onion smackers from me.
yummy, i just hopped on over and now i am ready to eat! i know i have been MIA but so much has been going on! i need your e-mail to add you to a private blog, so you can see... thanks
What fun recipes! My Dad made something like that, but no blackberry or peppermint to make it palatable. Just harsh "tater 'shine" ... ugh! He called it his "Special Quebec Pneumonia Cure". Always worked, but I think it was a case of "what don't kill you will cure you"! I add raisins and sunflower seeds to my salad like that. Amazing how we live so many miles apart, but enjoy similar recipes!
I think I could stomach this way better then the honey lemon whiskey cure. Whiskey burns a hole in my belly. though, from experience I can tell you it will knock a throat infection right on out.
I am SOOO going to be trying all of htese--I NEED an easy dressing that doesn't have me grabbing seventeen bottles and jars when it is time to sit down! I will call My friend who is willing to go to the liquor store for me--I need more vodka for my homemade vanilla anyway!
You are SOOO right about the underpants!--first thing every ninja puts on in the morning-right before grabbing their towel and nun-chucks HAHAHaaa
What a surprise to see my Grandfather's cough medicine. Thank you for posting it.
can you post the sizes of the items to be used in the cough syrup, like the brandy snapps and the honey thanks
Onions in Honey is great for coughs, no need for alcohol.
This syrup sound so good that I will try that for sure. But I have some questions about that:
How long time it needs to sit before it is ready? Wwks or months?
How many times per day you will take it when you sick?
And is it any reason to use blackberry brandy not regular one? Where I live there are no way we can get blackberry brandy.
Thanks for responses.
Hi I Someone shared this blog on FB and I had to ask if you could use a different flavor of Brandy in the cough syrup? I love the idea of using a chemical free cough syrup. Thanks for sharing.
32 oz honey
1 liter brandy
1 liter schnapps
Sounds like a great recipe. I will try the cough syrup.
Just seen a link to this recipe on facebook, and bought all the ingredients yesterday, I just have to find the jar to make it in now. Son has had a cough we can't get rid of for about 2 1/2 weeks, so hoping this may be the cure. So anxious to try it.
Made this last night. All of my lemons and onions floated to the top. I have a couple of questions, if I may. :)
1. Does this need to be stirred or shaken up?
2. How do you, personally, get it out of the jar? pour? ladle? spoon?
- after you stir it? just push the lemons and onions out of the way?
Thank you so much!
- Christina
ask away guys!!! Who linked it on fb?? just curious! It amazes me how much attention this thing is getting the last few weeks! LOL
I found this recipe/blogpage referenced in "The Homestead Survival" page on FB. The cough syrup reminds me of my great granny's recipe but she used Granddads homemade corn squeezins and elderberry brandy for kick.
We always used garlic rather than onions, 2 heads. The hooch was whatever was cheapest as if it tastes bad it must be good for you :)
Will it work without the onions as I have an allergy to the sulfur in onions.????
Hey MilkMansWife
I needed a bit more info on your homemade cough syrup, I found your recipe on a fb posting and I love the idea and recipe but my hunnyb wants to know if you have to allow the syrup to sit for days or months before you use it?
Hope you reply back because I really want to get it made before the cold/flu season hits here :)
thank you
I need to know how often this should be taken?
I just ran across your post on Pinterest and immediately was drawn in past the cough syrup recipe! You have a very unique, pleasant way of communicating. Thank you for your principals that clearly shine through!!
all this is nice, but since I refuse to use anything with alcohol in it (my personal religious beliefs) I just make colts foot tea... it works super good on coughs due to a cold (but does not help one due to hay fever).
Onions are loaded with bacteria and can be highly toxic once cut. I wouldn't trust it to sit out of refrigerator and once in fridge only a few days at best.
Connie - with all the booze in it, I find it doubtful that the bacteria would live long.... That being said - this has worked for us and as everything else I post about, you dont have to do it.. thanks for your input though! :) its nice to have another point of view/advice!!
The Milk Mans Wife.
What size bottles of honey, brsndy, and Schnapps are you using?
I'm having difficulty finding the blackberry brandy in my local. Where did you find it?
I have put together the cough syrup recipe, thank you. And to the woman about onions, they are very good at absorbing bacteria and are not the cause. IF you have a bad cold or sore, set a sliced onion out by the bed side, in the morning it will absorb the stuff causing illness, do not eat, throw away. Lemons are loaded with vitamin C, I also threw in limes as they were cheaper. So I see why they would help. Thank you.
I am a Rancher wife and we had 4 boys and 2 girls and I'm telling you 1 of those girls ran us more ragged then all 4 boys combined. I recently made a Elderberry elixir to boost our immune systems and this cough syrup is going to be next! Working 7 days a week in all kinds of weather makes for some serious colds and coughs. Our daily lives make the post mans job look like a
HOLY MOSES!! Well folks - I will try to update this and go from there.. Thanks so much for you comments and all the page views.. HOLY COW! It blew me away.. I didnt realized that this has gone EVERYWYERE! Its the most pinned cough syrup on Pintrest! WOW!!
So happy to find the recipe for cough syrup! Question, do you leave the onions and lemons in the liquid or remove after a period of time? How soon is the cough syrup read to use? Thanks for the recipe and thanks for answering my questions.
32 oZ honey
1 liter each of the other
Yeh its Good Very Good Thanks.
Thanks for this cough syrup recipe. Looking forward to trying it. Similar to something my Mom used to give us: honey, whiskey and red onion. Mmmmmm
How would you make this in say quart size jars to give as gifts?
I wonder if you have to have whole lemons and onions or can get away with lemon juice and minced onion. I would also add minced garlic. So minced onions and garlic. Honey, lemon juice and liquor. Any thoughts on this.
I wonder if you have to have whole lemons and onions or can get away with lemon juice and minced onion. I would also add minced garlic. So minced onions and garlic. Honey, lemon juice and liquor. Any thoughts on this.
I have to try this cough syrup! I am allergic to the only known expectorant in cough syrup, so cold and flu season can be a real nightmare for me. How long does it have to sit before I can use it?
I was wondering if you leave the onion and lemons in there or strain them out? Will it really sit there in a cold shelf for a year with the lemons and onions without molding? just wondering, would hate to spoil my whole batch to have mold grow on it.
nice to see that amazing stuff shared .... I will try it at home really gud to see that....
cold flu
have read many blogs in the net but have never come across such a well written blog. Good work keep it up
Pimples On Forehead
You don't specify what size bottle of brandy and schnapps.
First I would like to say I am so sorry for not responding to your questions.. however, I don't blog anymore.
Thank you to Di who emailed me that there were so many angry people because of a recipe... wow...
First, the pictures show the size/amounts I used.... as for the onions and lemons - when they discolored, I strained them out and kept the syrup on a jar of its own. As for dosing... I wont comment on that. If is say an amount and someone gets sick etc. I wont be responsible for that. As for substitutes - I have none.. This is what was shared with me and I was merely passing it on. Sorry to have annoyed so many of you - its sad to see that people feel the need to be angry over something that is meant only as a suggestion. I hold no responsibility for anyone who tries this...
For those of you who are still looking at my blog - thank you. It was from my heart and I miss it...
Also, I didnt stir - I started using it in a matter of days.. 5 is a good number I guess.
I just came across your blog & I love it! Someone on FB shared your "Snake Juice." I was wondering if you could tell me how to store it, How long it needs to sit before using it & if you happen to know the shelf life. I can't wait to make this :).
A new follower,
Tried the snakejuice and it works better than and gives relief quicker than anything I've ever bought over the counter. Taste is surprisingly pleasant and soothes the throat within minutes. Believe the recommendations where store in cool place, let 'stew/brew' couple days to a week and can last at least a year. I've placed mine in the fridge. Bought zero cold and flu products all winter. The onions and lemons are to flavor not consume however you could place a couple pieces nearby to breath in fumes for resperatory relief. I'm considering adding a couple sprigs of ginger root and a whole garlic bulb or 2 on my next batch as these two additions would only help the original ingredients and have a few health benefits that just equals good sense to me. /cheers and good luck. I'll never Nyquil, Dayquil or robittusin again. Bless you original poster bless you lots and lots.
If you are looking for a cough syrup then Actavis Syrup is the best for cough problem.
I usually think of informative content as dull but necessary for learning. Interesting informational articles like this are rare. This is useful and well-thought-out information with thought. t-provoking viewpoints and content. This material is informational without being boring and intimidating. Thank you. cough syrup
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