Have I mentioned how much I LOVE my bloggy friends? I have gotten more love, affection, understanding, companionship and GIFTS!!! GIFTS!!! GIFTS!!!! than I do from my family... sad thought huh? *shakes head* BUT if you remember I live in a house FULL of testosterone you will understand my dilemma...its ok that I don't get gifts from my family *sob* maybe someday..... *glances into the distance with hope* What am I saying... THAT wont happen *snort* Anyway, enough of my wallowing in self pity - I have something wonderful to share!! I GOT MORE GIFTS!!!
Green Mare sent me the most enjoyable package you could want.....
LOOK AT THE GOODIES!!!!! I got bags, handmade, cookies and Milk Dud got a new burp rag!! LOVE THEM!!!!
However, Milk Man could not lay his eyes on this one....
He has a phobia of red tractors - we run straight JOHN DEERE BABY!!! BUT, I love it Mare and have made a point to use it ALL THE TIME just to watch him squirm...*snicker* SO worth it!
This one is my new purse...
The potato one is going to be one of my grocery bags, so is the red tractor one. I have boughten 5 from Aldi's, so when I go that about covers 3/4 of what I buy so these 2 will come in SO handy... I make sure I put all of the Milk Mans french vanilla creamer in the red tractor one so he has to touch it... *snort* not nice of me huh - TO BAD! He gobbled these little buggers up in like 5 minutes.... hog..
I cant believe the love and caring from all the people who stop here and visit me in this loony part of the cyber world. How much fun it has been for me to go to the mailbox and be surprised by something... not that I don't get surprises cuz I do.... remember the toad in my washer, he lived ya know. What about the kitten fwimming in my canner....she lived too but has a fear of pots and pans like no other.
So Green Mare - http://greenmare-maresnest.blogspot.com/ I LOVEY YOU-E from the bottom of my wretched little heart! You are a God send along with the others who have given me such wonderful things! I love to hear from each of you in my comments, because I get to know you all a little better. I hope you all know that I visit each of you that leaves a comment at least 2 times per week - I don't always leave a comment, shame on me I know, But if you can believe it or not - I am shy...... why are you all laughing.....
hey share those cookies... I want thin mints please. LOL Don't you just love the blog neighborhood.
*slides 2 thin mints to Peggy under a napkin on the table* She sent 4 BOXES OF COOKIES!!! *SWOON* Be still my heart.... I didnt have to bake them myself!!!
Yummm! Girl Scout cookies! Thin mints are my favorite too! What a wonderful surprise for you! And those bags!!!... How cute and adorable and you are going to have lots of envious looks when you go to Aldi's. =O
Hugs from Suzanne @
Heidi! You? Shy? Dude! No WAY!! LOLOLOLOLOL
There sure are some really rockin wicked totally awesome Kewl folks out here in the blogosphere! Its been a blessing to get to know so many!!
Smooch those babies from me, and goose the Milk Man. (*gasp* holy crap... did I say that out loud???)
awwww...how sweet!!
great gifts...I love the new purse bag...so cute! Love your blog...beautiful kids!
What a need package! I just sent out five gifts to five blogging friends and I had so much fun shopping for them.
I love my friends that I have made in this really neat blog world.
You got cookies??? Did you have enough milk for all those cookies??You hid cookies from the children??? Don't you feel bad??? Really, and shy about what exactly? Bonk, as my hand hits my forehead....geeze...who are you kidding??
Girl Scout Cookies rule! :)
Thanks for the cough syrup post, my 4 year old has had a bit of a nagging cough the last week and a half or so, so I made some up, and gave it a try. I'll be darned if it didn't work BETTER than anything store bought or perscribed! We'll definantly keep it around! :)
Also, my fiance is your BIGGEST fan! I don't have a page for you to visit, but she does!
you are more than welcome sweet thang! I'm so glad you like them! I really really am.
by the way, those are supposed to be chocolate chip cookies on the other bag, not potatoes, but if thats what they look like to you, that's okay with me. John Deer huh? sigh, I love our red tractor soooooooooo much! but when some green JD fabric finds it's way into my sewing room there will be another bag headed your way!
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! THEY ARE!!! LOL *hangs head in shame* I am SO SO SO SO SO sorry!!....
Lord help me, I've no will power when it comes to Girl Scout cookies. I had all three of my daughters selling them about 3 years ago. Needless to say we were our own best customers and going door to door wasn't necessary. I can't sew my way out of a wet paper bag and homemade gifts, especially of the sewn variety, are always appreciated. Maybe you can decorate the Milk Man's pretty green tractor with some stickers, etc. That might ease him into the idea that John Deere Green, while nice, isn't the only tractor option ;)
There is a great recipe for thin mints on line google it you'll love them... Nice stash lady... I am making bags now, not as easy as they once seemed.. I am so jealous!
Okay, love the bags! Too cute. I am enjoying your blog so much!
Wow! What great goodies! Can't you find a way to send some cookies in email? Mmmmmm...
Nancy in Atlanta
What a great gift...you are very deserving.
You are shy? I am an introvert...no, really...I am.
Heidi I usually read your posts to my hubby and we enjoy them together. Now I am ready to string you up. LOL We laughed till we cried over the song that was sung in the shower..... well guess who is singing wash the weaner now?! He says its stuck in his head and won't leave. LOL Thanks Heidi
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