Sorry about the bluriness, but its hard to get a good picture in the barn. The light REALLY stinks and I stink at taking pictures!
Karen, here is your 'postly dose' of MD..
Lispy's picture was thrown it because he was asked to put his long johns on before we went to the barn, he did - however he somehow got them OVER HIS OTHER PANTS!! I have NO idea how he managed this because his LJ's are TIGHT...
I had wanted to take you on a bit of a 'tour' of the barn, but until we can get it whitewashed for the summer - it will have to wait. The pictures make it look SO dirty, I hate it. BUT, there are a couple of cows that I want to introduce to you. This little darling is named.... Mamma Jugs
Mamma Jugs has... nice tits.. *snicker* I probably should'nt say that in public - but its a fact. They are not to long and not to short, they are just right! I will give you a titty tutorial at some time ok, cuz I am sure you all want to know about cow tittys....
Last but not least, can you imagine haveing to fix this monster in -10 weather? The tire would'nt seal, Milk Mans hands were getting to the point that they wouldnt work because of the cold.
SO, we had to run it to town to be fixed. That always takes WAY TO LONG. The cows had to wait to be cleaned for because the Farmers Union, is a joke, wait did I say that out loud?? yup I did - the Farmers Union caters to town 'folk' - please dont be offended anyone who lives in town! I am just pointing out the fact that the Farmers Union should cater to farmers. We had to wait for 3 hours to have that tire fixed because of cars that needed oil changes. Now I realize that people have scheduals to follow etc - my issue rests with the fact that they need to have someone 'available' at all times for farm stuff that people need done. Our cows needed to be cleaned out for and that is usually done by 9am - we didnt get done with chores that day till after 2:30pm. Our afternoon chores start again at 4pm... enough complaining already! Sorry, I get on a bender at times!!! My ranting about farm co-ops is a completly differant post!!! Man, did this head south fast or what? I will be back later today with a post about a mustard plaster!!!
What an awesome name Heidi!!
Mama Juggs is a nice looking lady there! ;)
Milk Dud is too blasted cute. Just toooo cute. And I love lispys determination!! hehehe My kinda kid ;)
I'm new to your blog, but I just love it!
We used to have a cow that looked like your Mamma Jugs. That is when we still had the black and whites before the switch to the bug eyed, toasted colored, never leave a gate open or one will get out Jerseys.
It makes me feel so much better that I'm not the only one who has their "rants" over things.
Have a good one!
LMAO Girl you crack me up. Cow Titties?? Perfect nipples?!bwwaaahhahaaa! Maybe you should take your Victoria Secret cow into town with you next time you need a flat fixed? hahahahaha! That stinks, poor milkmans hands! I love you new babay calf! Finnigan. Who doesn't love a new calf!!
Stop by and enter my Valentines Day Contest I will throw some candles in foy you and MM!(Wink)Aslan huh....
Congrats to the winner!!! At least I came in as a second...
MD has the most amazing eyes Ever!!
Maybe lipsy could have fixed it...he seems to be getting the right skills.
i agree with you on the farmers union / farmers co-op situation . it is designed to assist Farmers first thats the whole point . however obviously that doesnt take place . there should be someone in place to deal with farmers needs imediately.
proves one thing to me though , it proves that best "intentions" are only as good as the people behind them !
and btw , i thought this was a farm blog , why you wanna share beauty secrets on here " mustard plaster ???
yay!!! I never win anything :)
what a great way to start my monday!
I've been loving all the recent posts about the dairy cattle! As I wrote in the comments of your last post, I miss my college days at Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute greatly. These posts have been a wonderfull reminder of happy times! (even though it was only 5 years ago, lol)
I meant to bring more names for the little guy, but we had a emergency here at home, and had to have our beloved dog put to sleep :(
and I agree, the farmers union should very much so have a priority system for the farmers. It is after all, the farmers union, not the city people's union. =D
*giggling at coffee man's last comment as she spits her own coffee across the room*
I LIVE to learn more about cow titties....
rofl OVER his pants? silly boy!
Mamma Jugs is PERFECT, and finding teats like that is hard! Does she milk hard?
Oh, spring come on, the world is ready.
I love that you take time to answer the many questions that we asks. I know you stay busy every minute of the day and most of the night. I wish I was close enough to just sit and hold that baby, I do know how to spoil a little one. Glad you got the new washers.
Love the name!!
leaving a third comment cuz I totally forgot to leave my contact info! lol
I am such a dork.... :)
Well, you crack me up girlfriend! And have me laughing out loud- thank you!
I have been a "lurker" as you bloggers call us...up until now!
Your blog is the highlight of my day. You are so real, so funny and I want to live your life...I am currently a "country gal" forced to be "city gal" in Ohio. You go, girl! We love you, your farm, your boys and your man!!! God Bless you for sharing!!
DayPhoto - she takes a little longer to milk because she likes to be milked.... she's a real dork! :) Never lifts a foot at ya either, that makes her a nice cow in my book. LOL
Sara - Thanks for stopping by! She is part Angus.... but had such a nice bag that we stuck her in the milk barn. She milks really well for about 3 1/2 months then drys up to a shrivel! but thats cuz she has beef in her. Those Jerseys can be real tards - I worked for the Minnesota state zoo at one time, on the farm exhibit. We had 2 jerseys and they were a mother daughter pair. The mom was a honey the daughter should have been hamburger. ;) SO thats my experience with jerseys!!!
Coffee man - your a dork...but I luv ya!
hey there- joanna sent me here because she thinks i have an udder fetish-just bc i was a city girl who recently moved to iowa-she told me to check out mama jugs. hilarious!!!!! nice ones! :)
I for one can't wait to see her utterly gorgeous utters!!! You are a hoot, Heidi!!! And your post made me think of the Rich Man Poor Man movie with Kirstie Alley and Tim what's his name where they stay with an Amish family and the old grandpa pops his head in the room and says with a lilt "It's four thirteeee time for milkiiiiing!!! LOL!!!
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