I say this often in the morning while trying to get the boys - and I do mean all of them - Milk Man included - out of bed and on their merry little way. This is early my friends....

Lately I have been sleeping in - till 4:45 *listens for gasping* Big Son, he ok'd this picture, is the second to the last one I get up... he needs his beauty sleep he says. Here is the first glimpse I get of my first born in the morning...... He looks like has been kissing - those pouty puffy lips.... *searchs for picture of his girlfriend*

After I say, loudly of course - GOOD MORNING MY LITTLE PRISONER! This is the face I get... I know his thought at this minute, cuz we're close ya know - He's thinkin - I am going to kill her.
Then I promise bacon and he is putty in my hands.....

Yes, the walls of his room are pink. We have lived here 10 years and still have 2 rooms to repaint. We do them as we have the $$$ - Yes, those are bows on his bunk bed because I bought those beds at an auction and a girls grandpa made these for them... they dont care about the bows - they sleep in the beds with eyes closed - ok - I am trying to get them in touch with their feminine side, just not TOOOOO in touch... you believe me yet???
He used to be like me and get right up, not so much anymore I guess . He is getting ready for his teenage sleepathon. By the way, when do I get to have a teenage sleepathon - I never had one of those....
The first is myself, then Dale and Palmer. Dale gets up the second I yell his name at the stairs. Palmer however likes to doze....then fall back to sleep and not wake up till noon.... BUT, I dont let him being the warden that I am. This is what goes on at about 5am. Palmer, get up.... *hears shut up* Palmer, did you tell the warden to shut up? *hears back off* Palmer, did you just tell me to back off? This is where I grab the covers and give a yank...... He flys out of bed and either hugs me with a big grin on his face or swears and grabs the covers kicking his feet that I am cruel because its cold - then I threaten to open the window... no response - then I bring out the big guns... IF you are not upstairs DRESSED in 5 minutes - your breakfast is out for the cats.... Before I hit the door he hits the floor - you dont mess with the boys' grub. THEY LOVE FOOD! and will eat whatever I make them. I love to cook for people like that. Now this whole time, Dale is dressing and ready to shovel it in. When I talk about these guys, you have to keep in mind that they both have fetal alcohol syndrom and that they are not our bio-children. Palmer is 23, with the 'book smarts' of a 7 year old, the emotional level of a 14 year old and the hormones of a 23 year old man!!! He has come SO FAR since he moved in with us 10 years ago. Big Son was born in August of 98, we lived with the Milk Mans folks at the time and moved into our own home the first week of September of 98 - Palmer came to live with us Dec. of 98 and has never left. He is a great guy and we love him as our own.
NOW - Dale is a completly differant story - he is harder to.... like. He has so many great qualitys but being around him you would quickly find that you must think about those qualitys at all times to prevent yourself from wanting to choke him. The hardest thing about both of the boys is that they are little boys in mens bodys AND they dont look - retarded as they put it. Those are their words not mine. Palmer always says, I am not a 'special needs' person I am a retard, then he laughs at himself. That is one of the things that I love about him the most - he is himself and accepts that he cant do things that others do. That is NOT to say that he always feels like this, but we try to guide him and yet make his own decisions.... Wow this got away from me didnt it??? I will do a post about them soon.. promise.
When those 2 are awake and eating I then get Lispy up....
This picture is from when I was away at training and he was in the hotel room... 4 year old farm kid in a hotel room is NOT NOT NOT NOT a good combination.... and I will never attempt it again I swear to GOD and all that is holy.
He gets up pretty good and yells Morning Dad... before he even gets out of his room.
I dont have any picures of him just out of bed, but I do have one that is a few minutes after brushing his teeth.

This little bugger is my best friend - he just is so fun and usually pretty easy to be around.
Last but not least, I wake the monster...

These were taken about 2 months ago - but he has not changed much ... he's just bigger with quirky toe...
After that, its all down hill people. Nothing gets done with all the baby kissing, smooch, squeezing and giggleing going on. This is when I become the prisoner - my heart is completly locked up in this one.... help me.