Big Son is in the bathroom with the door closed and locked, this is unusual as he tends to leave it wide open while using said toilet, which is truly a conflict of interest being he is SUCH A PRUDE!! I don't know, you figure it out. Anyway, I knew he was done in the bathroom and Lispy had to go, of course he did because someone else was in there... by the way, we have 1 biffy for 7 people - you do the math... this is the conversation - oh we have also been working on not swearing or should I say were working on the swearing lisper.
Lispy "Big Son, I have to go can you hurry peaze'
Big Son 'Go pee outside, your hose works out there too'
Lispy 'Big Son, you done poopin tum (come) out NOW'
Big Son giggling uncontrollably 'No I'm not' more giggleing right behind the door, you can here him holding the handle...
Lispy 'Ifs you dont tum out sthoon (soon) I donna (gonna) thit (yes thats what you think it is) my thorts, then mamma's donna (gonna) det (get) pithed (pissed) off..'
Big Son 'I am NOT DONE YET' he yells at the top of his lungs.... at this Lispy gives up and runs through the kitchen to the front door - I am about to stop him and make Big Son come out of the bathroom when I here Lispy mutter somthing under his breath. I no more than get his name out of my mouth... 'Lispy' he stops, swings around, faces me square on and says 'I said asth-hole - did I say it right mamma?'....I shook my head and waited for him to get outside before I broke into tears of laughter. I finally got Big Son out of the privy and Lispy ran back in to the house to poop.... later that night Lispy is getting ready for bed after his bath. Big Son is already washed up and waiting for prayers to be said, however he has a bad habit of ALWAYS waiting till the last second to get something to drink. As he walked by the bathroom Lispy yelled to him (Lispy is totally naked at this point) and Big Son turns around and peeks in the door as Lispy turns his bare butt to him and yells - "Moon STHINE"... This is where I look at myself in the mirror and ask 'Why me'....
too funny :-) they keep ya hopping
I'm laughing out loud for reals.
Have you ever had a speach therapist evaluate Lispy?
He may be their favorite client of the week. So who has the trash mouth? Say it isn't you....
tee heee ha ha
Heidi... I laughed so hard! Thanks for the warning about putting down the "liquids" cuz if I hadn't, I would have either choked or spewed diet pepsi all over my monitor! I am going to giggle the rest of the night over both "ass thole" and "moon shine!"
Gott'a love 'em! No one else will take them, if you have the luck we had with our 3! ;)
Karen - Its the older boys!!! LOL I say shit... but only in respect to, well shit.. like cow poop horse, dog cat... it really isnt a swear word as much as an expresion for u!!! LOL
Good Stuff! I bet you were cracking up.
that is supose to be for us not u... shheeeeessshhhh
looks in , carfully checks dont wanna step in no thit . grins
and people wonder why the tv show "kids say the darnedest things" was sooo popular
That was too funny!! Hope you have a safe and happy Memorial Day.
why you? I'm thinking about 81 reasons why you!!! because YOU can handle it, and then blog it so we can all laugh! yeah!!
Thank you, Thank you, Nate just had to ck in on me because I was laughing and crying and he thought something had happened. I LOVE THAT LISPEY! oh ya you too....
That is too funny!
1 bathroom for 7 people? OMG....
we have two for 4 people and its crowded!
What I wanna know is did Lispy thit out thide or on the kitchen floor? Those kids thur are full of pith and vinegar, eh?
Thanks for the no beverage warning, but after I read the first paragraph I thought I was in the clear.
I got to the end and now have tea coming out of my nose onto my keyboard.
my youngest, has a potty mouth like you wouldn't believe! Oddly enough, she does use the bad words in the right context... it's one of those things where you want to correct her for bad words, but you cant because you are laughing so hard you can't talk. never a dull moment :)
My oldest son is always telling everyone not to look at his "junk"! He'll be 5 on June 4th.
Now that is some priceless entertainment! And you're getting it all for free!
I sent you my addy in an e mail, and it's also on the return address sticker on your box of irises!
too funny. I read your blog off and on and am so glad glad that I only have 1. ( and his 25 imaginary friends). He took the screen off his window b/c his (imaginary) "dudes" were in the bathroom using it when he had to go. Now he regularly pees out the window b/c he can and it must be fun.
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