Friday, May 29, 2009
Please do this...
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Lispy's revenge....
Big Son is in the bathroom with the door closed and locked, this is unusual as he tends to leave it wide open while using said toilet, which is truly a conflict of interest being he is SUCH A PRUDE!! I don't know, you figure it out. Anyway, I knew he was done in the bathroom and Lispy had to go, of course he did because someone else was in there... by the way, we have 1 biffy for 7 people - you do the math... this is the conversation - oh we have also been working on not swearing or should I say were working on the swearing lisper.
Lispy "Big Son, I have to go can you hurry peaze'
Big Son 'Go pee outside, your hose works out there too'
Lispy 'Big Son, you done poopin tum (come) out NOW'
Big Son giggling uncontrollably 'No I'm not' more giggleing right behind the door, you can here him holding the handle...
Lispy 'Ifs you dont tum out sthoon (soon) I donna (gonna) thit (yes thats what you think it is) my thorts, then mamma's donna (gonna) det (get) pithed (pissed) off..'
Big Son 'I am NOT DONE YET' he yells at the top of his lungs.... at this Lispy gives up and runs through the kitchen to the front door - I am about to stop him and make Big Son come out of the bathroom when I here Lispy mutter somthing under his breath. I no more than get his name out of my mouth... 'Lispy' he stops, swings around, faces me square on and says 'I said asth-hole - did I say it right mamma?'....I shook my head and waited for him to get outside before I broke into tears of laughter. I finally got Big Son out of the privy and Lispy ran back in to the house to poop.... later that night Lispy is getting ready for bed after his bath. Big Son is already washed up and waiting for prayers to be said, however he has a bad habit of ALWAYS waiting till the last second to get something to drink. As he walked by the bathroom Lispy yelled to him (Lispy is totally naked at this point) and Big Son turns around and peeks in the door as Lispy turns his bare butt to him and yells - "Moon STHINE"... This is where I look at myself in the mirror and ask 'Why me'....
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thanks to you all, your great and I appreciate each of you! Your all my BFF's!!!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
IP address blocking.....
Just for helpin me out - here is a picture of my love...
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
youtube popping a boob...
I made a sling for Milk Dud and its a life saver for sure! It makes things so much easier when I need both hands free!
Friday, May 15, 2009
An Award..from a man...

These are his words....
Here are the rules for this meaningful award:
The aims of this award:
* As a dedication for those who love blogging activity and love to encourage friendships through blogging.
* To seek the reasons why we all love blogging!
* Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it
* Don’t forget to mention the person who gives you the award.
* Answer the award’s question by writing the reason why you love blogging.
* Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.
* Don’t forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.
The reason I love blogging - well there are 2 reasons. The friends I have made while blogging here are SO cherished. I cant even begin to explain the feelings I have had from being able to share my life with you all. There are so many of you who have sent me gifts - Karen D you are the BEST! - Willow Witch - those cards send me into histerics... I love you guys as true friends....except the guy that googled sleeping with the milk mans wife and came to my site to see what I had here.. yish - anyway - the second reason that I love bloggin is because I truely love farming and want to share with the world what it is REALLY like to be a farmer - a REAL farmer by my own definiation of course. Not a factory farm with 100's or 1000's of dairy cows - nor a huge grain farmer running 10,000 acres and hireing all of his work done and never breaking a sweat nor a ranch/farm that has so much other income that they dont have to be in agriculture to make a living... I want nothing more than to share everything that I can with you so that you know and understand how life really is on a family farm a TRUE family farm. One that is run by family, not hired help.... One person said to me a short time ago that I must want people to feel sorry for me because of the way I write... not even close buddy. I choose the life I live and even if I complain or feel passionate about somthing or angry for that matter - I dont want your sympathy, I want your understanding - nothing more. SO with that out in the open, does anyone want to learn about what I call a kitchen garden? Does anyone else out there have one or call what they have one?... did that make sense..
Now for those who are tagged...
Suzanne the farmers wife
Horsefeathers - Mrs. Mom my sistah from anotha motha!
Karen Deborah - Fresh Fixins
Peggy from Hidden Haven
Domestic Diva - go for it baby!!
Oh - Thanks again Your a true asset to the ag community and I LOVE to read your blog!!!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Home again Home again - jiggity jog....
On My Way HOME!!!
The Milk Mans Wife
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Hello From Training!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
To All Mothers....and everyone
Milk Man wanted me to share how I feel about being a mother to this pack of wedgie giving, poop wearing, fort making, 4-wheeler driving, food munching, cow loving, horse riding, dirt loving - mother lovin.... children we have together. How much more can I say than I love them..... and want to spank the living daylights out of them in the same moment. Seriously, I cant imagine my life without my boys - it wouldnt be life. I dont understand how anyone can not want what is best for their kids every second of the day or not want them to do the best they can every day. I love to have Big Son make me his famous (or not) Chicks in a blanket - or Lispy makeing me coffe that has so much sugar in it that it more like milky syrup. But, Milk Dud...his smile does it for me, the smell of his little body snuggled up to me is more than I can take sometimes.
The 2 older boys are great too - they help me with the garden when they have time, or help put cloths on the line or sweep up the basement for me. They are pretty busy and dont get much time to do much here, but they are good hearted and loving boys - I love them too. SO thats how I feel about being a mother...NOW...for my mother..
I know you all love your moms and all, but I have to tell you that none of them are as great as mine....sorry they just dont cut the mustard people. My mom has the market cornered on how to love her family and tommorow I am doing a post just for my mother - I have to get the kids to church this morning or I would do it now....
Till then - Love you Mamma!!!
Friday, May 8, 2009
How to make home made bread....
When a person starts to learn/teach themselves how to make bread, a person must realize that its a task that takes time to perfect. Trust me I am SOOOOOOOOO still learning! The 2 main things are good flour and yeast - both of which vary extensively! There is quick rising yeast, regular yeast, yeast cakes, wet yeast etc. I have used all - and depending on what I am makeing will vary using each. For the white bread I make I just started using this one - because my Amish friend told me too....
Its fool proof... it really is. Most yeast is used in warm water - this you put straight into the dry ingrediants baby... I encourage you to use the trial and error method when teaching yourself to make bread. Get a couple of differant recipes and just adlib, I truely feel thats the only way to learn somthing try and try again. SO, for this recipe I used this yeast - ok?? Next comes the flour - again, there are so many differant kinds of flour - unbleached all purpose, bread flour, high gluton flour, enriched flour bla bla bla.... Flour has all sorts of differant purposes but the one flour that I NEVER EVER USE - is the enriched flour and this is the reason. The way this is processed, from what I understand - this flour is bleached there for all the good stuff is taken out and added back in later...right... I am not one for all the processed stuff, shut up about the ramen noodles ok - but you can never get all the good stuff back into it. For this bread I use this flour - but again, try differant things for yourself. I use this too, because my Amish friend told me to....
Now that I have explained these two things, I think we are ready to start.... first take a large bowl - this one is mine. Got it at a thrift store for $6!!!!!! I did the Elaine dance right there in the store. The clerk called 9-1-1 because she thought I was haveing a nervous breakdown. SO - here is my bowl...
What is that little speck on there you ask? Oh, thats Bob the sandtrooper -I do everything Bob tells me to do....
What do you mean thats weird? Dont you have a sandtrooper that guides you? No, well you cant have mine - I need him......
Dont mind the spots on the bowl, this was the second batch of bread for the day and I didnt wash the bowl very dont eat bread at my house ok....thank youNext you put the baby in the bowl..
no you cant have him either.....what is it with you people. Uncle Bubby was the instigator in this one.... Hi Uncle Bubby!!
Now for the serious stuff....please keep in mind this is a trial and error process and it is somthing that you can all do, but it takes some learnin' and experimentin'...
This is the recipe that my Amish friend gave me - I have several recipes so this is just one that I have used.
White Bread
2 Tablespoons yeast
3/4 cup sugar - I use 1 cup
2 Tablespoons salt - Kosher of course
12 cups flour
I put the flour in, then sprinkle on the yeast, salt and sugar....
While I am doing this I melt my calls for oil, but I use lard of course....cuz its GREAT stuff...Its seems to be a little thicker than oil and holds the bread together so well!
The recipe calls for more flour, but I put about 12 cups in to start with and add more as needed while I stir it. I have used up to 16 cups of flour for a batch of bread. Before I pour this in I stir the dry ingrediants so that they are well mixed. Then I pour it in along with 5 cups of lukewarm water - NOT HOT - hot water will kill your yeast therfore bread will not rise. This is where you start to stir your bread and add more flour - this will build muscles people. After I get started with the spoon most of the time I use my hands to work the rest of the flour in, sprinkleing it as I want it to be a bit sticky - but not mushy and NOT TO DRY! This is where the trial and error comes into play - just work with it and keep trying.... at this point you start to kneed your bread. I take it out and work it on a counter top that was made for makeing bread...its great, but I forgot to get a picture of it... dang it - Bob did'nt tell me to, so dont blame me...between you and I, he gets a little disorganized and confused. I did get this one...
and this is when it has been mixed completly and kneeded...
Kneeding is also a trial and error thing - you can over kneed it and get tough bread or under kneed it and get huge air pockets... This should be soft and elastick -e..... like this....
When you tug a piece out like this it should 'bounce back'...Now cover it and let it rise in a warm place till its 2 times it original size.. at least that's what Bob the Sandtrooper says...and my Amish friend....
When it has doubled, it needs to be punched down again to get the air out...
Then it must raise again till its doubled - at this time you make loaves and put them into tins...
You dont need to punch it down before you make loaves. When you cut it up and form the loaf that takes care of the air in it. I just take a knife and start wacking pieces off and adjust them later to make same size loaves...
Then let them rise till they are over the pans....
Then bake them on 350 for 20 mins, turn them in the oven and bake them for 15-20 more. I didnt get pictures of this, sorry - but when they are done take them out and put butter on the top, leave them in the pans for about 10 minutes on their side on a cooling rack. Then take them out of pans and leave them on the rack for another 1/2 or till completly cool - then bag them! Your done -
I always wanted to be a dancer... *dances with the broom around the flour strewn table*
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
bread baking...
I just looked out the window and realized that I have Christmas lights on the 2 of the fruit trees still....good grief - I need to get those off and put away.
So where is this post going - who knows! Sure I dont! BUT - I will be putting up the bread post in a little while. Milk Man is needing help picking rock today, that is if is doesnt rain to hard - SO who's up for a little manual labor!??! any takers?!?! *crickets chirp loudly* thats what I thought. Well, I have to feed the Milk Dud. He woke up an hour ago and has only eaten chocolate chips that were on his tray from last night... yes they were clean! I fell to an all time low yesterday wanna hear about it.. I'll tell you if you really want to know what I did....
later mater... Like Ta- mater without the Ta....
Monday, May 4, 2009
jug job....
'make them so I dont have to use duct tape and a small tarp to keep them in place and out of my belt line'- job. The Milk Man - he's happy one way or the other as long as I am comfortable. I would wait till I am done with having kids, So I can start saving now and wait 20 years.... I will probably never be 'done'.... I was thinking the other day about the post I put up a while ago, about haveing one more. To be honest, I dont think I will ever be able to say - and I quote April from Coal Creek Farms - Stick a fork in my butt and if the juices run clear your done, if you bleed keep going.... unquote..she's a nut for sure. Anyway - How can anyone tire of the little buggers snuggling while they nurse, or the little squeeks they make or their soft breathing. Who can tire of the little feet that really have a foot smell shortly after they are born - I love that. Who can tire of the baths where they squeel like a baby piglet or the slurping sound they make while they nurse - see, now I am getting all emotional. Anyway - just had to clairify where this was going, no where! *snort* SO - I made bread and took pictures so hopefully I can get a post up shortly. The yard needs mowing and my herb garden looks like a hayfield, the car needs cleaning, laundry needs washing and the cats in the cradle with a silver spoon.... remember that song? See ya later!!!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Good Morning ...
Be back in a little bit - please answer the above questions quickly as I have lost all focus and need some help.....not sure with what, but just neeed help.
Here ends my stupidity - at least for now...thank you.