Then, well - this speaks for itself right....
I do have to say he is a good helper for the most part. He tries to do things WAY to hard for him and most of the time he does a GREAT job. He is so strong for his age that it is supriseing and scary - especially when he comes into the kitchen toating Milk Dud who WAS sleeping on the bed, but now is blinking trying to figure out what they haydiddle is going on.
This is what a waking moment looks like for Milk Dud...
And here is the best baby sitter in the world. Not only is he FREE but he works well with others....
This is always a good sight at the end of a day....
This is a pillow case he is laying in. I had just folded the sheets to be put away and he grabed this because it was warm from the dryer....
SO, that is it for now. I will be back hopefully later today with a recipe that I have for pork chops that is so easy Big Son could make them.
Can't wait for the pork chop recipe!!! Cold, snowing and blowing here in North Iowa. Good day to stay inside and cook.
You and MilkMan have whipped up some beautiful children Heidi.
Heidi, always enjoy peeking into your life! Susan
so cute did you miss that i gave you an award a while ago? just scroll down on my blog you'll see it.
I want some real sugar off those kiddos they are so adorable your raising them up right!
Milkdud is growing so fast! I still want Lispy to come visit. He always makes me smile reading what he is up to.
ps you can have the award even if you don't do the meme.
And umm when you aren't busy as stink would you please post how to make a mustard plaster and all about that as a remedy? Inquiring minds want to know.
hummmmmm i do believe in child labor laws , ive had two children and the law around here is that they labor to help !
Lol looks like he was plumb tuckered out , poor lil fella , mamma slaved him sooooooo hard lol
i do have one question , were you in the celler catching , and did he chuck em at you ??
Ohh and BTW wifie is about to make me some Hickory Nut pies , ever had those ? Ill tell ya how they come out , i WONT shar , but ill tell ya !
Precious, precious and precious!! Boys are just so sweet, aren't they? Look at this sweet little Milk Dud lips!!! Makes me feel like PW when she talks about lactating and stuff!!!!!
My children like to sleep in pillowcases too. They pretend they are sleeping bags, even though they have real sleeping bags they could sleep in. And I love the wonder worker child. We have one of those too.
Always looking for a good pork chop recipe....
What a tiny little man, he is a great help, and cute!
Your kids are SO cute:) My daughter is 16, and STILL likes to wrap up in something that has just come out of the dryer. Oh, who am I fooling? I like it too;)
Sorry to hear about the calf. (Believe it or not, I thought about him over the weekend, and wondered how the little guy was making out.) Yes, it is part of life, but it's just so incredibly sad.
That is funny about the pillow case. My daughter just found a yellow one that she has adopted as her new blankie. LOL
Found you via PDub. Love your writing!
he's a cutie :) Looks to be right in between my daughters ages (4&7) The youngest is a "wonder helper" too! As well as having earned the nickname Captain Obvious hehehe....
My kids are grown up and out of the house and I still nearly walk out of a store without my bags... because ya know the kids are suppose to get and carry those to the car! LOL
Hey Heidi - because of your post back in Sept. about Sauerkraut I'm the proud owner of 19 pints. My neighbor was an expert kraut maker and baptized me in cabbage and salt this fall. MMMM mmmm yummy! I posted about it on my blog but wanted to say Thanks to you for your post that sparked my interest. So Thanks!
I have to laugh about him sleeping in the pillowcase. Everyone in my family loves clothes right out of the dryer......including the Chihuahua's. I put the clean, warm clothes on the couch while I fold them and the dogs run over because they want to snuggle in the clean towels!
There's a Seinfeld episode where Kramer gets addicted to warm clothes out of the dryer. Your son is a good problem solver, that's for sure!
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Howdy! I am back! Jut in time too I just bought Pork chops for dinner tonight! So wheres the recipe?
Oh my little Milk dud! He is so precious! hug hug hug mmm baby smell, soft baby skin, baby toes, and fingers! ((Squeeze))
LOL on the pillow case! I would do the same thing if I could fit! I love fresh warm blankets from the dryer. Love the pictures of the little wonder worker! I have 4 of those! Happy to be back. Missed everyone!
I would like to mention as well , on another part of this im sure all would like . I would like to see more pics of the milkmans WIFE posted , instead of always behind the camera .
My dear dear coffee man!! What you would LIKE and what you will GET are two COMPLETLY differant things my love!!! LOL LOL but nice try buddy!! LOL
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