Thursday, April 16, 2009


Today is the day of the auction with so much to still do. Last night we set up tables, got roasters ready, hugged, fretted, some crying and lots of chatting. I will have pictures of this sad day later on tonight/tomorrow morning. Be prepared for a long post, that may bring tears or swearing on my part - granny to watch. But for now, I will leave you with a picture of the sugar snow we got here last week. It went from 35 degrees last week for a high, to 63 yesterday! *does happy dance on the table with Cha-cha heels* I threatened Milk Man to roll naked in the garden, but he talked me out of it - seeing I have such the 'post baby belly' from hell. It will never go away, no matter how much I work at it. Boy, I get off topic fast don't I..... sorry...

Here is pictures of the sugar snow that we got last week - from 36 to 62 in less than a week! LOVE IT!

What would a post be without a Lispy photo....of course its a self portrait...

Till later - wish the neighbors well and pass the kleenex.


Joanna@BooneDocksWilcox said...

not looking forward to your auction post :-(

Karen Deborah said...

well actually there is something you can do for the belly. Save your money. The last time you are going to have the milkman's baby and have your LAST c-section have a good plastic surgeon put you back together. The way OB's sew is the problem. I never have been able to figure out why OB docs' don't learn a few tricks from plastics, they could make a ton of money sewing ladies up right.

sorry about the auction. wish I was buying and gonna be your neighbor. You really got me with the snow blowing through the windows....toooo cold.

Hohni said...

Auctions suck, especially when you are forced to do it and just not letting your own stuff go by your choice. Hubby and I attend many auctions each year. Last year we went to one, I tried to bring their dog home with me as they were going to put her down after the auction. She was in fine health and such but they THOUGHT she would be miserable without them. They were moving to an assisted living situation. I offered, but they put her down instead.

One Gray Hair At A Time said...

For us in California who barely even know what "snow" is.....what the heck is "sugar snow"? Sorry if this is a stupid question.

Ye Merrie Quilter said...

Wow. 6 cents a gallon? And we're paying $4 a gallon? It's just nauseating. There should be a law.