and his self portraits....
May be the death of me.... I never understand how a child could be a 'friend', even though my mom was/is my best friend all my life - I never thought I could be friends with my kids AND still be an EFFECTIVE parent. Ya know you have parents who are their kids friends and usually those kids are either spoiled brats or running amok(spelled right?) doing things that they shouldn't be doing. Anyway, Lispy is a pretty darn good feller - shut up anyone who knows us, I am trying to keep the facade going here - He is usually in a good mood, willing to do most of what you ask/tell him too and always looking for somthing to get into/'help' with. The other day Big Son came home after school and had been part of a 'job day' thingy. They had a surgeon come in and talk about all the stuff they do. The surgeon brought allong some things to send home with the children, like a hair net, booties and a surgeons mask. Big Son left them in the living room, of course - why put them away, and no more was said about them. I was sitting at the computer doing some bookwork and heard the wipe box open, I turned on the camera because you NEVER know what is going to happen around here. I have learned to wear it around my neck like a 'Life Line' commercial. Up to this point Lispy had been sitting in the recliner watching a Veggie Tale and yammering to Milk Dud - who in turn kicks his feet like and squeels like a piglet.... anyway - I hear the wipe box open and Milk Dud is babling away and I hear Lispy with the following...
Lispy: Milk Dud, thop (stop) ticking (kicking) your feet tho (so) harwd (hard). *this is wear I stand up to see what is going on* Over the top of the chair I see this...(dont mind the taped up card table - we play games on it)
Then this.....
With that I fall to the floor in fits of laughter. He has no idea why I am laughing..... Lispy: Mamma, vhy(why) you yaffin(laughing) - I thust(just) tyin (trying) to hewp(help). Him sinked(stinked) yike (like) you vant(want) him to be thore(sore).... Here I am being chastised by a 4 yr old about not changing the baby fast enough. When I am finally able to control the tears streaming from my face, I tell him what a good boy he is and how much I appreciate his 'help'.
Lispy is hard to handle at times, he's pretty stubborn - but he is a friend. He is just the type of kid/person who is content to be in the same room with you and not want more. He is my little helper and bestest friend.
Thanks to Karen at Fresh Fixins, I have been replaced however. By this...
Karen, he LOVES Scooby Doo - He eats with him, sleeps with him and carries him EVERYWHERE! He is officially the house mascott and Lispy is now demanding I make him his own blanket and barn kidding..... Dont mind MD leg, its attached, he had just finished getting loved by Thskoooby Doo.
Well, I had better get my butt going. Life is not going to wait for me today and I have to get my work done for my 'real job'. Talk to you all soon!!!
that young man has a future in the medical field for sure !
its alwasy fun to watch the lil ones try to help , most of the time they get it pretty darn close to correct .
have great day and stay upwind of the cows
I think I just had my own accident, I was laughing so hard, I LOVE THAT KID! I want my own Lispy!!! Have a good day, sweetpea!
I am laughing so hard. Precious, very precious. By the way, I have that same book shelf in the last pic in the right background. Some WI craft show :)
You are SO good to keep your camera handy! You can never replace those moments! I loved it - made my day!!!
Omigosh Heidi....that is SO funny. It's amazing what kids will think up. At least Milk Dud didn't let loose and pee on him.
- Suzanne
That was darn funny! and cute and sweet!Lucky you--cherish the help while you've got it!
Oh boy Heidi!! I love Lispy!!! Tooo cute. Just too cute!! What a good helper he is too. That mask was a great touch, and pretty gosh darn creative!! hehehehe
Squeeeeze those babies from me there Sista!
Oh my gosh, that was TOO FUNNY! I'm scrolling down and I reared back and laughed out loud when I saw that mask. Oh heavens, you gave me my laugh for the day!!! LOVE IT!!
Now why didn't I think of that??? lol
Your kids are great!!
oh my goodness... that is so stinkin' cute!!!!
That is the Best! He sounds so sweet!
ahahahhahaha!! Oh my, oh my! *wipes tear* That Lispy!
Yesterday when I looked at this, I couldn't get the photo's to come up. They did this morning! Wonderful! LOL
shew now I can breathe, honestly I was getting nervous about the surgeon lessons and the nekkid baby and hoping that nothing was about to happen. I had a kid who had no sense about danger. So glad it was a little diaper change with a GAS mask! Now that is intelligent! the thing is you really smell your own breath with those things on. So tell Lispy not to blame MD if he hasn't brushed his teeth very well! HAha so happy he likes the dooo you never know what is going to be a hit do you?
He's a cutie that one. The MD is one big lvin ball of baby chub, look at the rolls on that boy!
OH MY GOSH, that brought back lots of memories of my own kids. Could I borrow Lispy for a few days? I could use some help and some smiles. He can bring Scooby-Doo with him.
I just had to write to you and tell you that I could not get this sweet story or this sweet kid out of my head today. I keep saying " you don't what him to get thore do you?" Over and over in my head and just cracking up. If ya ever want to give that sweetie away, I'll sure take him. This story made my week. Thank you for sharing.
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