Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Houston, we have a problem...

HELLO!!!!! My name is chubby.. They call me chubby because, well, I'm chubby. It all started in 1998 when I weighed a svelte 137lbs - mostly muscle, seriously. I helped cut wood through my whole pregnancy, that included swinging an 8lb maul to split wood.... I was in good shape. Big Son was born c-section on Sunday night at 9:20 - I went home on Wednesday night and started milking again on Friday morning... no kidding. After Big Son was born I was thinner than when I started.... BUT, I added a little bit of weight on, but not to much to be worried about... forward about 6 years.... I was about 143 when I got pregnant with Lispy - I walked 12 miles per day, no I am not lying I am serious as a heart attack... I wore a pedometer and worked in a parts warehouse at the time. I had to walk several different rows and pick parts for shipment. I was in GREAT SHAPE. He was born on a Friday morning c-section - and on Monday I drove myself home from the hospital... don't tell the Dr. they REALLY frown on that... BUT not much weight went off and he weighted 8lbs... I had gained 17....After that I put on some weight and it seemed like I would NEVER be thin again.. BUT I was in 'good shape' - I have always been pretty muscly - if that's a real word... SO, I told myself I'm buff, yeah that's it I'm buff cuz ya know muscle weighs more than fat... THEN I got pregnant with Milk Dud. All bets were off at this point - I gained about 23lbs but when he was born NONE OF IT LEFT!! What the heck already... I had a baby and it doesnt even look like its gone!!!! NOW, I am left with a poochy belly that seems like bread dough.... Anyone who has had a c-section will understand what I am talking about. YOU HAVE NO STOMACH MUSCLES!!! I am writing this today, cuz I am......... depressed ................. I have tried everything from vigorous exercise to tempting the Milk Man to make a small incision, start up the shop vac and suction that fat away.... BUT, then I look at this

and realize that a the weight is worth every army man in the carpet that I step on, every 'Mom I am hungry - FEEEED MEEEEE', every 'He hit me first', every 'What do you mean we have no graham crackers', every 'I wanted fried eggs not boiled', every pair of stray stockings, under ware and mud caked bedsheets (don't ask)..... The other night Lispy was so tired, that when he got home from the farm he went straight to his room... usually Palmer or MilkMan help him shower while I get supper ready. Some how he snuck by me in the kitchen, it could have been when I had my head in the fridge singing - Lynard Skynerd, Sweet Home Alabama - at the top of my lungs. Anyway, I went looking for him when it was time to eat.... he was curled up in his bed and was filthy dirty...he had dried cow poop on his feet and his face was full of grease...but he was completely zoned out - I let him sleep, poopy feet and all. If you want the Children's protective services number, I am sure its in the phone book.... What I am getting at with all of this is - does anyone have some good ways that are not OVERBOARD with just taking a few pounds off. I work all day at home here, but have realized that I don't do as much as I used to. I don't do all the milking anymore, with all the house work, yard work and child rearing - I truly don't have the time. I do help out with other things that need to be done, but I am just not as active as I was a few years ago. Much to my surprise to say the least. I feel that I am always busy doing something and I am, but I guess its just not enough to loose much weight. ANYWAY!!!

How is everyone else doing? I have a couple of more posts to put up today or tommorow which ever comes first....

I leave you with this - please control your laughing if you are at work - your boss WILL hear you.. AND - PUT ALL LIQUIDS DOWN - you have been warned...
Big Son and I made a bet... underwear or no underwear....

We have a winner!!!!


Unknown said...

I saw the warning and yet, I still spit coffee at the friggin' cute is that photo? He has got the best sense of humor ever!

On the diet front...make small changes choosing healthier for not...flavored water for soda, make the veggie portion of dinner the main course, and for go one sweet snack or dessert once a day. More protein than carbs...more veggies, less crap. You can do it. I cut out soda and lost 10 pounds in three weeks!

Suzanne said...

Let's not even talk about the weight thing. UGH. He opts for no clothes, but a hat and boots???? Oh my.

WudWerkr said...

My dear lil sister , u are dealing with a phenomanon *looks at spelling* known as getting a little older . the most important thing to remember is .
( 1 ) you are a beautifull person no matter what.
( 2 ) You have a wonderfull family that loves you JUST like you are
( 3 ) Milkman still thinks your the hottest thing walking
( 4 ) And last but not by any means least * god sees the heart of man* and i know what he sees he is proud of

MamaHen said...

You just made my day. I can't wait to show my husband the picture. He will love it too.

Tina Marie the Willow Witch said...

You have raised one heck of a cowboy, because he does it all with his boots on.....
Darlin, no worries about the other stuff, that's life and we wear our motherly battle wounds for the world to see. Love the pool!

Andi said...

Okay, here is a crazy simple thing that worked for me. I started doing Pilates. I started with a 20 minute workout and graduated to a 45. It is a good strength builder (yes, I know you're strong, but so was I) and it lengthens and tones you. I had more people comment on how great I look within 2 weeks of starting the program than ever in my life. I used the Windsor Pilates system, but there is a 10 minute solution dvd at Walmart right now for $10. It has 5 ten minute workouts. It worked for me! Good luck!

Schnitzel and the Trout said...

Can't wait!!! Oh, by the way, I totally understand the "no stomach muscles after C-section." Been there, done that. :) See ya!

Brian + Cheryl B. said...

Mornin Heidi :-D
While I didn't have C-sections, six pregnancies in six and a half years time still did a number on those muscles. And even though all six didn't go full term, your muscles never really get a chance to properlly tighten up while your busy chasing little boys, and feeding them, and changing diapers, and tryin to catch the milk man in the shower, and ....
'Coffee Man' shared a LOT of wisdom!!! (He's not the type to let that go to his head is he? o:-p)Fighting depression can be a humdinger!! Wish I didn't know :-/. Every single day for awhile, come back on here and reread what 'coffee man' wrote. And then go let 'milk man' wrap those big ole arms around you in a hug, and you'll beat that nasty depression.
As for the pictures - so-o cute!!! And yet more prove that you live in a "male dominated world". Due to my husbands two jobs, and late hours after catering - I use to have to post notes on the back door if one of the girl cousins was spendin the night - cuz he'd start undressing the minute he walked through the door . . .
As for a muddy bed - boys would much rather have memories of a loving /caring mom, than of a super neat picky clean fanatical one (ask my husband - his mom and wife look at things considerably differently!!). And just like boys can be washed up - so can sheets, and floors, and ... and done so with humor and understanding.
And for the weight 'problem'. Another I wish I didn't understand. I will share that 98% of the people I know that go on some kind of 'special diet' or join some 'weight club' usually end up gaining even more back once they stop. AND if you try to cut all of the things ya just love from your diet (whether it be pop, or chocolate, or whatever) you'll be fighting not only weight, but becoming a "B" as well. (And then at some point you'll gorge on them and then be more depressed ...)
What then? Rejoice in the fact that the milk man still finds you totally hot. And start cutting back on in-take. One plate, not full to the rim, and no to seconds. Get the munchies? Veggies (with minimal dip ;-p) or nuts (but only one measuring cup full due to their calories)or fruit. Instead of just walking up or down the stairs - sprint. Slow lifestyle changes have the highest long term benefits.
Did I cover everything? o;-}
Lookin forward to read more posts soon!!!
Cheryl B.

Sadie said...

should it say we have a winner, or should it say we have a weiner? *giggle*

ok... weight loss, Since my youngest turned 4 (jan 21) I have lost 60 lbs. I was alllll the way up to 195 *gulp* I am a stay at home mom, with no way to get to a gym, a trainer, nothin' and kids and a house to keep up with too, so I'm sure if I can do it, you can take off just a few too! Some tips...

when you fix your plate at meals, meat serving should be a deck of cards sized or less, the same goes for any potato's rice, or bread, ya know, starchy stuff. The majority of your plate should be veggies. Fruit is good too, but veggies are better. Wayyy less sugar. Basically, I stick to proper portions on meats and carbs, and eat as much as I want of veggies, and fruits. I also try to move more, even just a 5 minute walk a day if I am busy :)

The biggest thing tho, I think, was that I gave myself a simple rule, I cannot eat until my stomach growls, that way I know I am eating because I am actually, truely hungry, not just because I am bored, or whatnot :)

Hope it helps girly! I wish you lived nearby, we could go for a walk together!

Mrs. Mom said...

ALrighty then woman- first, Dear Husband says our bellies- once so taught and lean, are a Gift. We may see them as nasty lumpy post section things, but they don't see it like that.

I spewed coffee through my nose at the pix. Oh honey, I SO know that feeling too!! ;)

Chin up. I'll email ya too, after we settle the latest dispute between these two nephews of yours. One day off, and you'd think they'd LIKE to be home, and be calm and quiet, right? NooooooOOoooo.... they are trying to kill each other instead. *sigh*

Karen Deborah said...

awh ditto with everybody else and Coffee Man can be sweet, shucks golly I didn't know THAT. To have a boy like LISPY I'd have my belly drag in the dirt, what joy! Nekkid with boots on. I was thinkin of doin a post like that, my big boots, a big hat,.... a big--- ?

Life is good girl just keep makin bacon.

Unknown said...

I'll bet you are beautiful just as you are! I keep granola bars in my cabinets and eat one of those when I'm hungry. I also eat oatmeal and yogurt every day for breakfast--the oatmeal fills me up. And I've lost weight in the last year but also know that I will never be the same as when I was younger.

The pictures are cute--But I'm horrified for the poor boots! haha!

Vickie said...

Loved your "boots" picture! I have photos like that of my boys, too. Boys have a thing about bein nekkid, don't they?

Sorry you're anxious over your weight issue. The big thing to remember is that being healthy is as good or better than being a little overweight. Just take it in small increments, make little changes each day, and I think over time, you'll see those extra pounds will creep away. One day you'll look up and realize that it's coming off! Regardless, you're a lovely beautiful lady inside and out! Bless you!

Greenmare said...

but he has his boots on!!! I love it!!!!
I hear ya on the weight thing girl! it's like hitting 40 has been a wall for me. Not that 6 pregnancies helped much.

Greenmare said...

oh, I know what you can do! don't give in quite so easily to milk man! have him chase you around the barn a few times and up the hayloft! steps and stairs!!!

Heide said...

Greenmare, I think it's the Milkman running from her. Maybe he should take a few more laps before giving in.

I didn't have C-sections, but I gained 60 pounds with each of my three pregnancies and after the last one nothing went back to its original home. I don't own a scale anymore. They're depressing appliances. If you're healthy then don't worry about trying to look like a 20 year old hardbody. Thanks to the media and Hollywood moms who have surgery and personal trainers we put too much stress on ourselves as moms. Hugs from out west.

Faithful said...

That picture is just too cute..I had to comment! You could have been writing about my life. Are sure you are not my clone..only a few?? ..ok, maybe alot of years younger? I have a son that would jump in the round trough nekked when he was little, too!
I recently lost 40 lbs and I'll be happy when I get back to my fightin' weight of 145lbs (same as when my last son was born 21 years ago.) My secret was to set a goal for myself..something that really meant alot to me..something that was so very important that it would make me push through doing more exercise and less eating. That way.. you are doing it for yourself and not for what anyone else may think of you...cuz in the end Coffee Man is right!

Mikey said...

Your kids are the best :) That last pic totally made me smile. What a character!!

Patricia said...

That picture is priceless !!! (How are the boots??)

I'm sure you really don't need to fret, your weight sounds fine, but I always found that cutting down on carbs, especially sugary ones, really makes a difference. More protein, more veggies, way less carbs......

Jinglebob said...

Nekkid is good!

Patty said...

Love your post! Hilarious! Love Love Love the pictures:)
On the diet front. Icut out all carbs for two weeks plus no fruit or root veggies. The purpose is to cleanse your body of all the bad carbs the gradually reintroduce healthy carbs.Wheat bread ect.. I did this and lost 10 pound in 2 weeks! The only thing I really missed were the fruit and veggies.
Or you can cut out soda lost 5lbs when i did that!

Karen Deborah said...

Happy 4th of July everybody!

LDF said...

Oh my I love those boots & hat in the pool pix! Make sure you save those to share when he's grown up! As for the weight ... I had a herd of babies over six years ... I used to diet and fret over it. I've come to believe life's just too darned short to be worrying over extra pounds. I'm healthy and I eat relatively sensible, but I don't deny myself the things I enjoy eating. The Coffee Man said it right!

More than Survival said...

I didn't read all your comments.... so I don't know if I am repeating myself. I could have wrote this post... I was always naturally skinny since I was always SO active... motherhood has slowed me down and added pounds. My discovery: BARRY'S BOOTCAMP!!! LOVE it!!! Fast, easy, and really works the body!!!!! Worth every penny spent on the system!!!!!
Life happens... we age, but exercise is important. My husband's body has changed, too... and he didn't birth FOUR children!!! He gets lots of daily exercise with life (job and yard) so I know for a fact that some changes are just due to aging.... those middle years to cause things to happen that I SO do not want to face!! LOL!!! Anyway, my heart went out to you... struggle with the same feelings.

Ye Merrie Quilter said...

You had said that you gained 17 lbs. with Lispy, but he only weighed 8. Remember they recommend 25-35 lbs of weight gain:
Baby - 8 pounds
Placenta - 2-3 pounds
Amniotic fluid - 2-3 pounds
Breast tissue - 2-3 pounds
Blood supply - 4 pounds
Fat stores for delivery and breastfeeding - 5-9 pounds
Uterus increase - 2-5 pounds
I believe that after having kids, it just gets harder to lose weight, no matter what. If it's not something chemical or phyical, it's all the juice boxes and gummy bears. :)

Diane said...

just now reading this post. I had the same problem after my second son was born. No matter what, I couldn't lose my baby fat. Turns out it was a thyroid problem. Have you had a check-up lately? Just a thought. If that's not the problem, weight watchers is an easy plan to follow and you don't need special foods either. Just join for the $10.00 and get the plan books and then decide if you want to go back for meetings or not. I never found them necessary, personally.

TnTConnect said...

I am sorry about the "belly"...have one myself. :( But the last picture is PRICELESS! Can't beat living in the country...I have a girl just like him. :)