Everyone who visits me here knows that I have more testosterone in this house than I know what to do with. Well, I know what to do with the Milk Mans testosterone but thats another post.... or 6. Anyway, I dont think that I have ever mentioned my daughter Hope the Dope. Yes, that is her name but we tend to call her - hosebag....sorry - cover your childrens ears, eyes, nose, throat - wait that's a doctor - sorry. You cant pick your family and God knows we love her, but this has just got to stop - Please, send your children from the room as the following pictures can be considered a bit - risque'...

See how rough she looks in the first picture? We have tried to talk to her about her behavior, ya know, the staying out all night coming home at the break of dawn. Letting the boys get a little to close and then feeling bad because they just take off and never call.... but she still choses this life - and we still love her.
ON a better note - Milk Dud is 2 months old today! Happy Birthday baby squeeker!

He is so sober all the time...

Until he sees - titty...

Then - theres the loveable Lispy.... He just got home from helping his dad trim feet on the cows. He was hot so he needed to strip - like he needs a reason. See the dinasour on the right side of the floor..... he was helping....

Then I get the what for when I scold him about getting a cold from not wearing any cloths....

Then his dad told him he had a grass hopper in his shorts...Lispy hates bugs as much as I do...
See how rough she looks in the first picture? We have tried to talk to her about her behavior, ya know, the staying out all night coming home at the break of dawn. Letting the boys get a little to close and then feeling bad because they just take off and never call.... but she still choses this life - and we still love her.
ON a better note - Milk Dud is 2 months old today! Happy Birthday baby squeeker!
He is so sober all the time...
Until he sees - titty...
Then - theres the loveable Lispy.... He just got home from helping his dad trim feet on the cows. He was hot so he needed to strip - like he needs a reason. See the dinasour on the right side of the floor..... he was helping....
Then I get the what for when I scold him about getting a cold from not wearing any cloths....
Then his dad told him he had a grass hopper in his shorts...Lispy hates bugs as much as I do...
Of course we cant have a post without helping the foot fetish freaks like myself get a fix...
Milk Dud is a bit self concious about his feet - so he feels the need to....