First of all, Nancy gave me an award that I had not picked up. I am feeling SO shamefull and hopefully she wont be upset with me that it has taken this long. I have to tell you all that Nancy is one of my favorite people ever! She is like a second mom to me for some reason. I LOVE how she is always thoughtful, caring and wants to be supportive for anyone she can be. She is one of my first reads everyday! LOVE YOU TONS!!!
Second - Spanki gave me an award also...

1. The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 5 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you have nominated.
So, here is who gets my "I Love Your Blog"
Please forgive me not linking to the blogs that I love.... I dont know how!
1. At Home with the Farmers Wife
This woman is such a great insperation for me. I love how she always seems to be doing somthing that I want to be doing! Like the plant thingy today!!! LOL Suzanne has been so supportive with my blogging. I appreciate how friendly she is and that she is SO genuine!!! Please go read her blog because you will love her too - I promise!!!
2. Hidden Haven Homestead -
The woman is the apple of her grandkids eyes! Shes also is a bit quirky - she dress's her goats up in princess clothing - MY KIND OF GAL!!! LOL She loves her goats like her grandkids. She is with them when they have thier babys and it doesnt matter if its raining, sleeting, snowing or if she is elbow deep in laundry. One thing I loved when I first read her blog, was the fact that she does her laundry in WASH TUBS with a ringer washing machine!! How freakin cool!! Thanks so much for being a great blogger and friend - I love ya!
3. Fresh Fixins -
What can I say? Debbie baby, your Da Bomb - insert gang sign here! LOL
You make me laugh hard or think hard everytime I stop over, that is daily of course! I cant believe how commited you are to your family and the sacrifices that you make for them. You are to be truely admired and supported for all that you are doing for your family.
4.Nancys Nonsense -
Everyone, this is one of my mostest, favoritest peoples in the whole world! There is nothing I can say about Nancy that would surprise any of you - she is a wonderful lady and I feel blessed to have her be a blogging friend. Nancy, there isnt one person in the blog world that I know of that doesnt love you with all thier heart!! Thanks for being such a solid, loving lady - you are so loved by me and everyone that I have on my blogroll!! **BIG HUGS**
5. Train Wreck -
This gal is a soul sista to me. We think alike and seem to have a bit of the same ideas - like, well I better not go into detail. This gal is one of my favorite reads too. She likes cowboys - at least one in particular and her name makes me laugh... Train Wreck! LOL She is an official auntie of my boys - and a long distance God mamma to my new Milk Dud.... So there ya go Train Wreck, chew on that one baby!
I am gonna name another one because she is one of the best friends, if not the best friend I have in the bloggin world.
6.Mrs. M -
She is a GREAT mom, friend to four and 2 legged animals and I would love to call her my sister. I really think we are related, we think so much alike that its scary! So here is to you Mrs. M - your the best and you are the most deserving of an award.
It was SO HARD to pick anyone - if I read a persons blog I love it so there is no one that is more important than the other... in my eyes.
SO - I also have another meme to do .... from Take a Deep Breath..
If you are tagged, you must first post the rules:* Write 7 strange characteristics about yourself. They interest us all!* Tag 6 other people at the end of your Post.* Visit everyone that you have tagged and leave a comment on their blog to let them know that they have been tagged.
1. I eat ketchup on my popcorn - freakish I know.
2. I have never tasted beer - dont plan to start now.
3. After 3 c-sections my stomach looks like an anchor from a boat. 1 c-section was the bellybutton down and the other 2 were bikini ones...
4. I LOVE 4 inch heels, but never have a chance to wear them - except in the dinging room for the Milk Man.. LOL
5. I love to eat fried eggs with the yoke runny in the middle - the white part has to be fried good, but I dip my toast in the yoke juice. YUMMY!!
6. I have freakishly long toes - I can pick things off of the floor with them... seriously.
7. I HATE HATE HATE HATE insects of any kind that have a hard surface.... I break down in tears and get hives at the thought of touching one or worse yet finding one on me that I didnt know about!!! Snakes, lizzards, poop or anything else is no trouble but DONT give me no STINKIN JUNE BUGS!!!!!
I am tagging
1.Train Wreck
2.Country Doctors Wife
3. Mrs. M
5.Debbie K.
6. Bayou Woman
Have fun girls!!!!