Well, I am done.. done... done... done... done ... done... stick a fork in me - D - O - N - E.... NO more pouting, no more weeping, no more crying, no more nashing of teeth - unless for some other reason I cant think of right now - but this is it for me. I will NO LONGER be mourning the changes that are coming in my life. Whatever happens is gonna be GOOD! All good and nothing but good!!!
With that out of the way!
I would like to ask everyone to tell me what they want me to post about first. I have a couple dozen of them thought up in my head and pictures for them all, but would like to know what your all thinking! I will post about anything and everything that you want to know about. From cooking, to canning, to farming, to haveing babies....not making babies but having them... ok, making babies to - you twisted my arm *snicker* to cutting wood, to how our homeschooling is ROCKIN THE BEER GUT.... to whatever turns your crank, zips your fly, or stubs your toe.
but till I get some answers man your stuck with this.

This is my favorite person on Earth..... What do you mean you would rather see cow titty's, naked kids? Your a bunch of sicko's... No wonder I love you!