We are no longer farmers.... wow, that hurts to say.....
<>next - Milkman is now a maintanance man...
<>next - Milkman is now a maintanance man...
next - the boys are ALL GETTING TO BIG...
next - I am chubby... chubalicious, chubbaluba, anything with chub in it and thats what I am!!!
SO, whats the first thing I should talk about?? The new baby that isnt new anymore -he is 6 months old or how about some pictures of everyone.. I think I will start there.. pictures.. :)
This was the first day of school this year... they are already much bigger than in this photo from a few months ago...

Milk Dud potty training...

The Milk Man with his newest son - he weighed 6lbs 3 oz.....

He was getting a little goofy after not getting much sleep the night before..

Here is our littlest man on the day we left the hospital..

Now, I know you all want to see how big Milk Dud is....

He fell asleep on the floor watching me make cookies... dont mind the carpet - we need new, but REFUSE to put new in until the kids are big enough to be a little more helpful with keeping it nice....
SO, how have you all been. I have missed you all from the bottom of my heart!!!