Hey there everyone! I just had to tell you that Milk Dud turned 2 on Friday July 30th.... I can't believe it either. How he has grown in the last 2 years... from my sweet baby that captured my heart to the little fellow that teetered around learning to walk - to the little man that now says 'tank u' after you hand him anything... They grow to fast. Wanna walk down memory lane with me?

Woof - look at that beehive on my head..that was really my moms purse... not to mention the protrusion from my mid section... Coffee man, one word from you about a wide load and I am taking those Cha-Cha heals back that I gave wifie poo for your enjoyment... got it???? Good.
To the stinking cute little feet

and baby buns...

Sorry - that last one was for purely my enjoyment - Ladies...he's taken......Paul L. cover your eyes, I am sure your becoming nausiated... :)
To my little man...

To a little boy that is INTO EVERYTHING!!!

Tommorow I will show you pictures of the cake massacre - I am sure you are all riveted to your seats in anticipation! Till then - watch out for dog poop, it sticks to the lawn mower tires... LOVE YA!