Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama and Mother Teresa have NOTHING in common.

What the heck already... If I said I wanted to end world hunger, that I wanted to stop female circumcision in Africa, if I said I wanted to stand around holding hands and singing Koom-by-ya while drinking blue kool aid served by Oprah and the rest of nutty Hollywood - maybe JUST MAYBE I would win an award I don't deserve too!! You have got to be TOTALLY FRICKING KIDDING ME!!! Obama won the noble peace prize.... When they had to debate whether Mother Teresa deserved it or not? Are these people really worth being on the panel? For the sake of decency I hope he defers it to the other guy.. I hope he knows he is SO NOT WORTHY!!! The other fellow had at least spent HIS OWN MONEY working for others in other countries and trying to better the world with his own 2 hands and not his LIPS!!! I hope he is a one term president because 8 years of this is going to RUIN our country. Its on a downward spiral right now that is TERRIFYING. To me, this tarnishes and degrades the prize itself. No its not because he is black, no its not because he is a democrat - its because he has done nothing BUT TALK about what he wants to do..... If he had done anything at all outside of the country other than apologize for us being a sovereign nation, then I would think about the fact that he may have stood a chance in the running... but good grief..he is nothing but lip service and threats.


  1. It isn't because hes a Dem, a Liberal, or black. He's a Marxist. That made MY stomach churn this morning when I saw that headline. Eeegads....

    And what about the family he has living in huts in Kenya that he has done nothing to help? has some good info...

  2. Hey Heidi - it WORKED!!! I just signed on and there was notification you had posted something new :-D So-o-o thrilled!!!

    As for the subject matter of this posting .... yeah. Do you remember how originally, right after I stumbled upon your blog, I was reading about you hopeing to find the milk man in the shower ... and as I was typing up a comment for you, Brian called wanting to know if I'd like to go on a "hot date"? o;-p Do you at all remember that? ;-p

    Well, God did another of His funny timings like that today!! ;-p We were driving down the road {As a matter of fact, he had picked me up to go get lunch o;-p} and I had asked him if he had heard the latest news about our President, and asked if he could 'catch me up' ... "What is it he's done to qualify for that award? I know that I am often 'out of the loop'/don't stay on top of things politically, but WHAT is it he's done? I mean, besides going around sticking his fingers into and stirring up a whole lot of pots? Have I missed something? I don't even remember anything that came out during his campaigning from his senatorship or whatever, that would be something to qualify him for such an award." Brian - "You mean something besides raise the deficiet higher than Bush managed to do his whole time in office?!!!" Me - "Okay, so-o it's not just that I'm totally forgetting something ....?!" And we talked a bit.

    We had just shook our heads and started to change topics when the 'Rush Limbough Show' started on the radio. And for the record, I had NO idea that it was his show that was starting ... they just started right into this tape of obviously voice impersonations of previous Presidents calling Obahma and leaving messages on an answering machine ... And every time, the 'previous president' would say something congratulatory, and then something like, "um mmm for that one thing ya did".

    The last clip was supposedidly George W. Bush calling, "for that thing, umm, what was it .... ummm mmm hold on a second would ya? Hey Laura, Hon-e-y! yea, I've got the machine for Obahama on the line, what was it he done did to get that award? W-h-a-t?" Then you hear something muffled as though he'd put his hand over the phone, then, "Yea, um mmm, sorry 'bout that, guess I'm gonna have to call my daddy and see if he knows, I'll get back to ya, umm mmm, CLICK!"

    Then your heard Rush Limbough's voice.

    By then I was laughing so hard!!! "Okay then, it's not just me that's missed it!" ;-p 8-b "Heck, I know that Rush is very opinionated, and all of that, but if HE doesn't even know the reason. I mean, if he did, he'd probably be picking it to pieces, tearing it to shred's, something, but he's not even listing a reason!!!" ;-p

    I just thought God's timing on all of it (our conversation leading right into that tape's playing)was highly amusing!!!

    And that's all I'm a gonna say ... this is Cheryl, over and out o;-p

  3. Unfortunately, as Americans, we have nothing to be proud of right now. This is an embarrassment to our country. Something is radically wrong here.

  4. And someone mentioned that he gets money too!!! Like he needs it! If he gets money he needs to donate it to a worthy cause, and I mean one that helps people of all color. The way I see it he's done nothing to win anything, he does not even qualify for the highest office in America but he holds it. Someone owns him. China? The devil?

  5. Amen sister!
    That man is a blight on our country. I too hope he has only one term. He reminds me of the snake oil peddlers back in the day.

  6. Unfortunately, if you want to know why he got the award, you will have to visit my blog to see! Sorry.

  7. Totally agree, BUT I for one think he should keep it. Everyone would think better of him if he gave it back, but if he keeps it not so much. IMHO. :)

    It's all nutz! But then so much in the world is anymore. Wouldn't' it be nice to know who the puppet master is behind Mr. O.

  8. the puppet master behind it all can be found in

    john 14:30
    1 john 5:19
    john 18:36
    john 17:16
    james 4:4

    if you really want to know u will look them up

  9. OH Sara - I couldnt agree with you more..... I think he has several masters - Oprah, Nancy, most of Hollywood fruitcakes, not to mention all of the liberal europe and middle east...

  10. He has given speeches with nobel ideas. Should any of those come to pass in a few years then I could understand him being nominated for this award. In the meantime the Rush Limbaugh's (who in my opinion are just as hateful as the extreme-left wingers) have received an early Christmas present and have lots to talk about now on their shows. I despise and detest politics. Seldom do those elected represent the ideals of real people. It's like once they enter the D.C. microcosm they check their common sense at the door.

    In the meantime... how about some more naked baby butt pictures?

  11. Heide - I agree that Rush can be a real JERK to say the least. He does make good points, but so do the lefters.. as for checking common sense at the door WELL SAID!!! I've miss you girl!!!

    Cheryl - I am GLAD your my friend!!! :)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I totally agree....what has he done except put our country on a fast track to doom? If talking will get you a Peace Prize, I should be receiving mine in the mail today.

  14. Well I agree with all of you!!!! I about fell over when I heard that.

    Well Like my hubby says, "Give'em enough rope and they will hang themselves!"

    My problem with that is: he taken us all with him! AAACK!


  15. I'm not saying I'm an Obama fan, but do you folks really think our country was better off when George W was playing President (along with his sidekick, Dr. Evil)? Talk about leading the country down the wrong road, George W must have had a GPS directing him to that destination.

  16. Strange times we live in these days. I bet Mother Theresa is turning over in her grave right now. God rest her soul. She was a wonderful kind giving and loving person. You need to read yesterdays NY Times article by Thomas Friedman. It will blow your mind. Please look it up on line or run to the library to read it. I promise you will not be disappointed.

  17. Hi Diane... well, this isnt about Georgie boy... Its about a person not being deserving of an award that he was given. In my opinion if anyone is 'playing' presidant - its Mr. Obama. He is just as clueless as George ever was. George and EVERY PRESIDENT BEFORE HIM - had bad ideas and good ideas. Even Richard Nixon did good things - just ask China. He worked hard to open relations with them..... Obama is lip service and if he does by chance hold good on what he is proficying - heaven help us ALL.....

  18. Oh, and Obama's bailouts - make Enron look like kids playing post office on the playground.

  19. Mornin Heidi - Just stopped by to give you a smile and a hug for TODAY ;-}

    still your FRIEND!
    Cheryl B.

  20. Just hopping back over to see what everyone else has chimed in with. I know that there was major debate regarding whether or not Mother Teresa should be canonized as a saint, but I didn't know there was any controversy regarding her and the Nobel Prize. Maybe I just missed that... I'm forgetful and not always the most observant.

  21. Hi hun,
    I think that it is just another example of the crazy world that we live in today. Personally, I believe that any serving politician shouldn't be allowed to receive an award...After all shouldn't they be doing great things for the people that they represent?
    Sue :)

  22. Well I am way late with my opinion.. I laughed out loud ..and now I feel that I should get one too. I always thought it was like the highest award to get..then Gore got it and now Bahama got it..the world is going to hell in a handbasket:(
