Friday, August 7, 2009

So sorry!

Hey guys - I am SO sorry that I have not been here. We are sawing logs and I am the off loader! The first day we sawed over 2000 board feet, yesterday 1720 and today, well we are not done yet today!! SO - I will have pictures of the whole thing tonight!!! LOVE TO YOU ALL!!!


  1. So you get stuck with that job also. My husband & brother in law use the Log Cutter whhile my sisters and I carry the wood.

    But we all love using the wood in our fireplaces in the winter. So it's worth it.

    DUSTY JOB... :-)


  2. whew not to mention the cherries you are a hard working woman!

  3. Hope you are taking some time to smell the roses! I know how important that wood is come winter. In fact, we might need a fire in the fireplace

  4. LOL - we are not 'cutting wood' we are sawing lumber!!! The differance is that we cut wood for the stove but saw lumber to build things with! The pictures will explain! LOVE YOU ALL!

  5. How much wood could a woodmaid chuck if a woodmaid could chuck wood? she'd chuck all the wood that a woodmaid could , if a woodmaid could chuck wood !

  6. ROFL @ Coffeeman!!!

    can't wait for the pics :)

  7. you are probably in some awesome "kick butt" shape after all this


  8. farm arobics!!! yup, you will have the right to bare arms for sure!
