Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Obama's healthcare plan...

I would LOVE to know how you all feel about it, if you have read about it or have any ideas' as to where it will lead our country. They want cost efective, to reduce spending - yet we are spending MILLIONS on 'same sex marriage issues'.... where are our prioritys? seriously? Is it not discrimination to with hold healthcare because of age??? yet, we cant discriminate about MARRIAGE - lest someone be offended.. let them die but dont offend them right???? You are all welcome to leave comments - but no name calling...


  1. Scares the ever loving dickens out of me. Period.

    Going to quit now before I get upset ;)

  2. I guess I will be the first to leave a comment.. I agree that something has to be done. I am a very conservative person..But years ago when I had 3 young children and my husband was laid off...He had been paying taxes for 19 years and we could not get any help whatsoever...medical NONE...but yet all the years my husband had been working and paying taxes and when we needed help we could not get any...I feel if you have paid taxes for many years you should beable to get health care with all your own tax money...With this new health care plan middle class will be paying for it...The conservative democrats are right in what they are doing...They don't want to pass it because it will raise yours and my taxes and the time you need it you will not get it...You want to know why we were denied any is because we owned a new caravan....we actually didn't own it because we were making car payments...they told us to sell it in order to get help... that was the only transportation we had..They need to open up more free clinics with our tax dollars so if you don't have medical insurance you can get health care. Revamp what we have...there is so much wasteful don't need to raise taxes...just clean up what we doesn't need to be lay offs..just cut the wasteful spending..We need to stop alot of what is happening with our rights to..People need to wake up, look around. Did you know they were going to try and make it illegal to have back yard gardens..there was a bill to make it illegal until Mrs. Obama planted a garden..we can thank her for that..Right now we must watch every bill they try and pass..your calls can make a difference...if they get enough of them it will stop a bill...but most people think everyone else will call...well everyone else doesn't because they are thinking the same thing you are thinking..You should have your State Representative numbers up on your refrigerator so you can make that call..We really need God to take control...He won't take control until we all pray and ask Him to take our country back...Pray and call....Sorry this went on way to long...Lisa


    I was a W-2 worker in Wisconsin for 7 years.. I know ALL the crap that they spewed about assets... REDICULOUS! Yet - now they have NO asset test, so you could have a Navigator and still get food stamps.

    My take on some of this will be in my next post!! THANK You for your opinion!!

  4. Good morning, Heidi. This healthcare plan is so scary and we, the public, have not heard half of it. Something like this should not be passed in weeks, but months. There is no great rush. If this fails to pass, Obama won't looks so good and that is the only reason for the push, push, push! God help us.

    PS: Hugs to the boys!!

  5. Well, as a health care worker I am scared to death about what this bill will do to the care we offer our patients. Every new bill that we have had to deal with is about telling us how we can offer/deliver your health care. My question to all of you is do you want your doctor who went to school to learn about delivering appropriate health care to treat you, give you a diagnosis, offer you the right testing and options that will make you well or do you want the President, Congress or the penny pushers in Washington to make your medical decisions? Well that is what is about to happen... There is also in works a plan for your health care records to be centralized under the caption that the "patient" will be in control of their health records, the states and government will be the record keepers and will have access to your health information 24/7, all under the premise of centralized healthcare... Do you want the government to know all your healthcare issues? And then use them to determine who/what/and when you receive your health benefits? NOT ME.... and I hope not you.... I know there is a huge misconception that ALL Doctors are rich and drive expensive cars...some do but not all, not my guys... we work in rural healthcare, we par with medicare which is 45% of our practice, we par with medicaid (we are the only surgical practice in 3 county's that does)we par with all the insurances that our area employers contract with, meaning we are doing health care for the community that we live and work in...We take care of the sick/old and poor...and in return we take huge write off's... My doctors got in healthcare to cure the sick if the government has their way, my doctors with have to cure the sick how ever the government tells them, not good people, start fighting... writing...calling... and please voting....

  6. I don't like it at all. They are pushing it threw with out even reading it, this will create so much hassle and bureaucracy. The fact that Canadians come here in droves for our medical care should give them a clue!

  7. Thank you Willow Witch - I was hoping you were going to weigh in on it!!!!

  8. Honey, I blogged briefly about medical this morning. Rather than try and re-type it you can check it out there. There are some quiet happenings that scare the crap out of me.

  9. Hi Heidi~I'm done with NASS for the summer. I had two Goat NAHMS and they both no longer have that was the end of that! Since we only have hay, cattle, sheep and goats in the county...I probably won't have anything until fall.

    Looks like you're staying busy! Enjoy your summer!

  10. Hi Heidi!

    It scares the heck out of us!!!
    Can't they see what GOVERNMENT RUN healthcare would do?
    I could go on & on , but I promised my self I would keep this short & sweet. :-)
    ~ Susan

  11. Really should take a look at Europe! They have socialized health care! It DOES NOT WORK! Doctors are paid VERY LITTLE, government run, patients do not get the correct care, government run. For people to get care, most doctors are paid under the table. Some doctors even work for chickens, goats, baked goods. The ole barter system works good there. NO OBABAMA scares the living daylights out of me. He has powers that no other president has had, and THEY ARE NOT GOOD!

  12. I don't know much about Obama's Healthcare all... but, I do know this..

    I LOVE me some Heidi! *hehe* miss you!! Love on that baby for me and my girls :)

  13. I am against our president's push for socialized medicine. I want to choose my own doctor, and choose another one if necessary. How many doctors will we lose when they cannot do what they are trained for? They have restrictions enough from gov't (HIPA)and insurance companies. Try to get information about how to care for your aging relative or your 18-year old if your name isn't on the "approved list". I do know people who put off medical procedures because of the expense, but if it were an emergency, they could, and do, get care at an emergency room. In general, I think the less government does for me, the better off I am.

  14. Right now I spend nearly half my paycheck every month just for health insurance. The rate just went up $40 per month. While the President's idea is not perfect, something needs to be done to lower our medical insurance costs and allow all of us to have coverage without becoming homeless.
    I had lab work done recently, the lab sent a bill to insurance charging $300 for just the Vitamin D level. If I'd not had insurance, I'd have to pay that amount, with insurance, the allowable charge was $70.

  15. Georgie - I agree somthing needs to be done - but I hope you are not over 59, because if you are Tom Daschel says that and I quoate "health-care reform will not be pain free. Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them." However, dear ole Tom has government insurance - he will not have the same insurance that you or I have. If he needs a stent and he is over 59 - he'll get it.. you wont. Our current situation is LARGLEY due to HMO's... read here tomorow if you dont believe me.. I have PROOOF!! LOL

  16. You really had to ask. Oh lawd there aint enough room. just give me a microphone and a you tube moment. !st what is wrong with health care now is government regs. Medicare is a great example and there codes that go on into infinity. also the way the gove has the sick person "meet critieria" in order to qualify. RIDCIULOUS. This is what we have not the mess we are going to get. The other problem is lawsuits. If you look for something you will find it. If you have an MRI every little thing has to be documented on and followed up on for LEGAL CYA
    the families get nervous as all the tests are ordered and then confused when they get sent home still sick but their tests are alright. Most people have a lot of benign abnormalities that don't hurt anything. What we need are good old fashioned doctors that cared and used their heads. We need to be able to do the right thing.

    All this other crap, abortions , same sex marriage and letting old people die just because they are old well it all is a bunch of bureaucratic CRAP! Or as Lispy would say it jes thit.

    that really is the short version.

  17. I am very worried about this health care plan. I am even more worried about what's in it that he wants it pushed through so fast so that no one has time to read it Like the Stimulus Bill ( love our $2,000 road work signs)
    I consider myself a generous person but I do not agree with socialized anything. We work hard for everything we have and we don't have alot. More than some less than others. I think a plan that would reward hard work and real effort (working and retired taxpayers) would be more of an incentive for people to stand up for themselves instead of holding out their hand for the government to fill it.
    I think I have become a Republican!

  18. We cannot let the gocvernment control us. And that includes this so-called health care plan. Once the government does this, what next? Till they have their claws in us all...then it's too late.

  19. My neighbor moved from a socialist country (Yugoslavia...or it was at one time) and is *very afraid* that the US is moving in that direction. God help us. Many countries around the world have socialized medicine, and if there are some people who want it, I suggest they move there and leave the USA alone! :)

  20. Scary for sure. We live in the USA, the land of Freedom. That soon will be eliminated with the guy in office. All I can say is educate yourself if you are unaware of what is happening. There are so many folks who have no idea what is happening.

    We should have a choice in our health care needs. I had a physician tell me the other day that if there is a need for a new operating room to be constructed at a hospital that this new bill would have to go through an 18-month process to be ok'ed. How many people are going to suffer over this 18-month period. As is stands hospitals are able to make those decisions themselves. Physicians have expenses and overhead the same as everyone else-just on a larger scale.

    This bill will negatively effect everyone. With the H1N1 flu ahead of us we really don't need this regulation. Again, Obama is a push, push, push guy. The only thing positive for him is he has it made now until he dies. Do you know what his salary will be during his retirement? He won't need $ for health care. None of these decisions he is making will EVER negatively effect him personally. So what does he care?

    30% of those who do have jobs and are offered health care plans turn it down. It is their choice, but those of us who do pay for this insurance should NOT be punished for a choice that is theirs alone.

    There should be a plan set up for those who are unemployed. Those who have lost jobs due to this recession-THAT is who relief should be instituted for. Someone needs to CLUE OBAMA IN to THAT!

    Thanks for the platform.

  21. Blimey, Mrscravitz! Where in Europe are you referring to? We are, unfortunately, in Europe and our doctors all earn well in excess of £100,000 p.a.

  22. If the foolish lawsuits are not going to be addressed first then now way can we have health care reform. (don't even get me started)
